MyHush / myhushwallet

My Hush Wallet
MIT License
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Wallet phrase truncation #11

Open leto opened 6 years ago

leto commented 6 years ago


We need to at least warn people when we truncate their seed phrase to a max size, or they could use a really long one and then not be able to log in. THINK OF THE SUPPORT REQUESTS!!!!

I would really like to see our max size changed, if we cannot let arbitrary size, lets do 128 or 256 characters.

Also, 1234....1234.... should not be allowed. We might want to add some kind of "password strength" thing.

leto commented 6 years ago

10 HUSH for basic "UI truncation warning", 20 HUSH for a nice password strength JS library to give user feedback.

Extra HUSH for memes

TheTrunk commented 6 years ago

Expanded to 256 characters with button to revert back to 64. The revert back is just using maxlenght in input section. 256 required changes in bitcoinjs package.

password strength is an interesting idea. The user has to use more then 16 characters to create the webwallet - this is basically unbruteforceable. Checking for small/big letter, numbers, special symbols is not a good way to go as we want the phrase to be random but still to be easy to rembember - so random words. So we need to create our own implementation of password strenghtnest.