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evo-agent upgrade v1.1 #107

Open Mookse opened 6 months ago

Mookse commented 6 months ago

Evo-Agent (evolution-assistant) should operate in distinct phases: create, init, develop, mature, maintain, retire

For this ticket, focus on incorporating capture functionality (which is working, but gpt-assistant.metadata was not an effective route to pursue, as they deprecated immediately...) into the new model where file would be dynamically created from core (no longer limited to 512 char) and attached to member's bound avatar on openAI - need only happen once per permutation, but should be tracked as such.

Phase 0: create

Phase 1: init


node.js backend

JSON objects

EJS frontend


Outstanding Optionals

Phase 2: develop

optional, convert to new issue? Alpha will be fine up to phase 1

Phase notes

Mookse commented 6 months ago

To implement the "Answer Questions" feature with the flow you've described, you can design the interface and server interaction as follows:

Frontend Interface Design

  1. Sidebar Option: Include an "Answer Questions" option in the sidebar for logged-in members. This creates an intuitive pathway for members to engage with the feature.

  2. Listing Contribution Topics: When a member selects "Answer Questions," display a list of ongoing Contribution topics. This list can be dynamically loaded from the server, showing titles or brief descriptions of each topic.

  3. Topic Selection and Interaction:

    • When a member clicks on a specific topic, it sends a request to the server.
    • The server then responds with a chat object related to that topic, containing either randomized content or AI-generated content based on Contributions[x].questions.
  4. Displaying Questions: Present the questions to the member in a conversational format, possibly within a chat interface. This can make the experience more engaging and personal.

  5. Member Response: Allow members to type their responses, which are then sent back to the server for processing or storage.

Backend Server Logic

  1. Endpoint for Questions: Create a dedicated endpoint on the server to handle requests for Contribution topics and their associated questions.

  2. Fetching Contribution Topics: When a request is made to this endpoint, fetch the relevant Contribution topics and their details from your database or storage solution.

  3. Generating Chat Objects:

    • Upon a topic selection, generate a chat object that includes questions from Contributions[x].questions.
    • Decide whether to use pre-seeded/randomized content or to generate content using AI, based on your resource constraints and desired user experience.
  4. Sending Response: Send the chat object back to the frontend where it can be displayed to the member.

  5. Handling Responses: When a member submits their answers, handle this submission appropriately – storing responses, updating member profiles, or triggering any subsequent actions.

This approach ensures a smooth user experience and effective backend handling, balancing member engagement with resource management.