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DOM-agent v1.0 #109

Open Mookse opened 6 months ago

Mookse commented 6 months ago

20240426: additionally, theoretically, wouldn't it be simple enough to a) get HTML from external entity, send to MyLife server, adjust css based on preferences and knowledge of own page js, and then return instructions to be run, even if in worse case, via eval?

@Mookse in collaboration with Maht

1. Creation of the DOM-Assistant Class

2. Integration with the Avatar Class

3. Management of User Settings

4. Content Processing and Modification

5. Security and Privacy

6. User Interface and Interaction

7. Example Implementation in the Avatar Class

// In class-extenders.mjs or a new module

class DOMAssistant {
    constructor(settingsAssistant) {
        // Initialize with settings from the settings-assistant
        this.settings = settingsAssistant.settings;

    modifyContent(content) {
        // Logic to modify the content based on settings
        // ...
        return modifiedContent;

    // Additional methods for DOM manipulation, feedback, etc.

class SettingsAssistant {
    constructor(userSettings) {
        this.settings = userSettings;

    // Methods to manage user settings

class ExtendedAvatar extends Avatar {
    constructor(...params) {
        this.settingsAssistant = new SettingsAssistant(this.userSettings);
        this.domAssistant = new DOMAssistant(this.settingsAssistant);

    // Method to use DOMAssistant for content processing
    processContent(content) {
        return this.domAssistant.modifyContent(content);

    // Additional avatar logic

8. Handling User Settings

9. Enhancing the Web Browsing Experience

This approach ensures that the user's digital interaction is personalized and consensual, focusing on user empowerment and privacy. Continuous refinement based on testing and user feedback will be key to achieving the desired functionality and alignment with your project's goals.