MyM-ModpackTeam / GalacticScience

GalacticScience Minecraft 1.7.10 Modpack
33 stars 8 forks source link

Crashing in last phase because of Chisel #144

Closed univalent-universe closed 7 years ago

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

The modpack always crashes at loading in the last part, got the newest version of the FTB launcher and Modular Systems is not active. Java produces a segfault, the log of it is also included in the gist below. Updated to Oracle JDK 1.8, didn't help. Here's the link to the crashlog:

Update: Chisel generated the crash at loading the texture for chisel:factoy/wireframewhite

kindlich commented 7 years ago

Do you have any kind of texture-Pack installed?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

No, just ran the original modpack with FTB launcher. But I've got OpenJDK 1.7 and a 32 bit PC. Could that be the problem?

kindlich commented 7 years ago

Well, most mods are designed for Java 8 these days...

Try using the jdk 1.8.0

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Could the reason be that the RF API is included in 2 different mods? I updated to Oracle JDK 1.8, but the error still occurs... I got kind of the same error with the difference between reported and loaded RF API but with a different source of the API. Can I remove extrautilities or ElectricalAge without harm?

kindlich commented 7 years ago

1st: did you set your game to the new java version xP

2nd: Your crash is about registering the texture of a chisel block, so the RF API shouldn't have anything to do with it...

You could try to forcefully override the texture maybe?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

1st: The new java version is standard so it should be no problem except FTB launcher uses the absolute path 2nd Oops. Somewhere in the crash part is some text about the RF API which made it happen maybe.

How to forcefully override?

kindlich commented 7 years ago

Ok, first you check if it runs fine without the chisel mod installed If it does you should first try to redownload the chisel mod...

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'm gonna try out soon

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

It seems like the factory folder is corrupted. If I try to open it with my archive program, it just quits.

Opening with something else works just fine

kindlich commented 7 years ago

Ok, if oyu say your factory folder inside your .jar is corrupted, then jsut re-download the chisel.jar

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Used my redownloaded .jar. They have both the same md5sum and the error also appears with that one. I just created an issue about the same problem on the Chisel project. Any other tips what to do? Chisel isn't necessary, but it would be pretty cool.

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Did you reinstall the modpack yet?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Not completely, I can try it today, but it needs much time for me because I've got 800 kBit internet...

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

If you are missing blocks like you said in #145 then you probably have a corrupt/incomplete modpack download.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Huh. That could be the problem. I see, the problem isn't Chisel (the same jar worked fine on self-installed Forge), but the "collaboration" of the other mods with Chisel. I reinstall now.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

I redownloaded wit FTB, but the crash is exactly the same. Are there mods (except Chisel) which aren't needed and need many textures? I'm pretty sure my GPU (it's really bad) can't handle them all.

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Can you try with MyM-Launcher?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

I'm trying it, I set the RAM a bit higher, maybe that could be useful. BTW, is there any way to make the MYM NOT downloading multiple files at once?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

I tried it, same issue, but on an other texture. Anything I can do against it without disabling Chisel?

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Can you upload the log?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Do you mean in the launcher? I did, but if you meant on Gist, here is the crash: Sorry, it was exactly on the same texture.

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

I mean the full client log, not crash report.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if it's enough, but I uploaded it in the launcher console with that button. I'm sorry I closed the launcher already, but if it's needed I can reproduce the error.

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Then post the link of that upload.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

OK, I'm gonna reproduce now, will take ~5 min.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

So here is the link to the full client log:

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

How much ram do you have allocated?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

1280 MB max

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Hm, no idea what the issue is on your side then. It works fine for me with 1.25GB

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Like I said already, it could be my GPU. And I'm using 32-bit Linux (Debian Jessie), could that be the reason?

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

The crash report doesn't say much unfortunately. This crash happens normally if there is not enough memory to cache the textures.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

I know, I've got a built-in GPU on my computer, which is the opposite of powerful...

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Might want to check if it is running over the CPU or GPU if you have an hybrid GPU.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Nope, not hybrid, ONLY built-in...annoying and slow...

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Does it run if you remove all mods except chisel?

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

You mean if I use only Chisel or if I use everything BUT Chisel? Both work, Chisel works at least in my Forge installation of some other mods.

Sir-Will commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'm out of ideas then.

univalent-universe commented 7 years ago

Ok, maybe it's just my stupid GPU. (No offense, GPU!)