MyM-ModpackTeam / ThaumicSkies

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Chaos Shard Recipe / Creative Steam Tank #25

Open Zxirl opened 8 years ago

Zxirl commented 8 years ago

1) Chaos Islands are disabled; could we please get a recipe for Chaos Shard [5299]. I think something along the lines for 4 dragon hearts / 4 awakened draconium blocks in an infusion recipe.

2) Two issues with the creative steam tank; 1) It only produces Flaxbeard's steam which cannot be stored in any foreign mod tank nor be used with any other mod. Could the recipe be changed from "Creative Steam Tank [1878:1]" to "Creative Steam Generator (Big Reactor) [984:1]". I think this would allow for a good stepping stone between the creative steam and creative energy cell. It would also give the item a use other than being used in the recipe for creative energy cell.

3) The second issue with the creative steam tank is the Eternal Water Block; the Sanguinary Environmental Acc. works ( I tested in SP) ; however the Environmental Accumulation Core [5441] requires Wand Focus: Weather. The research for this item is currently impossible to get: see 4

4) The Gadomancy eldritch portal doesn't work, this means a lot of recipes for endgame thaumcraft items cannot be accessed. MYM admins are aware of this and I am sure you are too. Just thought I would let you know that right now there is no possible way to make Wand Focus: Weather which means no creative tank.

Lots of stuff, thanks for the great pack :D i'm loving it.

MaelstromPhx commented 8 years ago

1) Is that used for the draconic energy core thingy? I'll think of something for it. Again I don't have server access so I can't really edit it right now :/

2)Flaxbeards Steam can be changed to normal steam via Flaxbeards. It has an item in it that can export it as normal steam. Forget what its called right now :P

3&4)Pearl coming soon. Gotta get file access