MyNihongo / MudBlazor.Markdown

Markdown component based on the MudBlazor environment
MIT License
115 stars 13 forks source link

Allow parsing of fenced code blocks inside lists #232

Closed Jeffcole1 closed 6 months ago

Jeffcole1 commented 7 months ago

While working with the Mudblazor.Markdown package, I discovered that, if a block of Markdown text being parsed included a fenced code block within a list, the code block would not be rendered in the output. This pull request is designed to correct this issue.

The following Markdown can be used as an example:

To prevent the warning message regarding the deprecation of the mysql_native_password plugin from being logged, you have a couple of options:

Option 1: Update User Authentication Method:

  1. Connect to your MySQL server using a MySQL client, such as the mysql command-line tool:

    mysql -u username -p
  2. Once connected, run the following command to alter the user's authentication method:

    ALTER USER 'username'@'hostname' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password;

    Replace 'username' with the actual username and 'hostname' with the appropriate hostname or IP address. If you want to update for all users, replace 'username'@'hostname' with '*'@'%'.

  3. Repeat this process for each user on your MySQL server.

MihailsKuzmins commented 6 months ago

Will be fixed in