MyPetORG / MyPet

🐕 Extensive pet plugin for Bukkit/Spigot
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
183 stars 99 forks source link

MyPets are Invisible #1056

Closed p1ut0nium closed 7 years ago

p1ut0nium commented 7 years ago

Please provide the following info.

Bukkit/Spigot/Bungee Build/Version:


MyPet Build/Version:


Do you use the premium version? (this wont change anything for you)


What is the expected result?

Pets should be visible.

What happens instead of that?

Pets spawn and come to me. I can hear them. But they are invisible. They can be killed by other mobs, and will respawn.


This error happens when Loading MyPet on server start; however, MyPet still loads and works fine other than the invisible issue.

[22:45:49 INFO]: [MyPet] Loading MyPet v2.3.7 22:45:49 WARN: [MyPet] Error occured while creating the de.Keyle.MyPet.api.util.service.types.EntityConverterService service.

22:45:49 WARN: at sun.reflect.InstantiationExceptionConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source) 22:45:49 WARN: at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source) 22:45:49 WARN: at java.lang.Class.newInstance(Unknown Source) 22:45:49 WARN: at de.Keyle.MyPet.api.util.service.ServiceManager.registerService( 22:45:49 WARN: at de.Keyle.MyPet.compat.v1_7_R4.CompatManager.init( 22:45:49 WARN: at de.Keyle.MyPet.MyPetPlugin.onLoad( 22:45:49 WARN: at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftServer.loadPlugins( 22:45:49 WARN: at 22:45:49 WARN: at 22:45:49 WARN: at 22:45:49 WARN: at 22:45:49 WARN: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71247_a( 22:45:49 WARN: at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( 22:45:49 WARN: at 22:45:49 WARN: at Source)

p1ut0nium commented 7 years ago

My Other Plugins:

PlaceholderAPI v2.6.0 VoidWorld v1.0 SpawnJoin v1.0.6.1 DeluxeTags v1.7.1 ItemRestrict v2.3.2 bPermissions v2.10.8 Skinit v0.1.3 WorldEdit v6.1;no_git_id Nordic v0.3.0 CityWorld v2.992 Essentials v2.13.1 killStats v3.0 ClearLag v2.9.3 Passenger v0.1.2 EasyBackup v2.1.1 MCCore v1.64 NightVision v1.0 MVdWPlaceholderAPI v1.0.0 SignEdit v3.3.10 SerialKey v0.2.1 FeatherBoard v3.23.0 AntiDisconnectSpam v1.0 Vault v1.5.6-b49 Herochat v5.6.7-SNAPSHOT PlotSquared v3.5.0-SNAPSHOT-95f8aaa WorldGuard v6.1 SkillAPI v1.48 EssentialsProtect v2.13.1 DynamicSigns v3.28.0 ServerSigns v4.4.1 EZPrestige v1.2.2 EZRanksPro v1.5.0 Multiverse-Core v2.5-b691 Citizens v2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1156) Shopkeepers v1.37 UltimateBackpacks v1.1.9 Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b699 UltimateArena v2.7 AntiVoidDeath v1.5.1 MythicMobs v4.0.1 Multiverse-Inventories v2.5-b335 Multiverse-SignPortals v2.5-b665 CommandNPC v1.9.1 Denizen v0.9.5-SNAPSHOT (build 1525) PrisonMines v3.0.1 pvparena v1.3.1.50 BattleLevels v8.2.1 Sentry v1.8.2 LeaderHeads v3.1.1 Jobs v4.1.3 MyPet-NPC v1.2.0 BossShopPro v1.8.1 PlayerShops v1.0.5 EssentialsGUI v1.0.2

p1ut0nium commented 7 years ago

My Mods List

Minecraft Coder Pack (id: mcp, version: 9.05, authors: []) Forge Mod Loader (id: FML, version:, authors: [cpw, LexManos, Player]) Minecraft Forge (id: Forge, version:, authors: [LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad]) DA3DSOUL ASM Fixes (id: da3dsoulASMFix, version: 0.1.0, authors: [da3dsoul]) AppliedEnergistics2 Core (id: appliedenergistics2-core, version: rv2-stable-10, authors: [AlgorithmX2]) Aroma1997Core (id: Aroma1997Core, version:, authors: [Aroma1997, Schillaa])

(id: , version: 1.1.1, authors: [SquidDev, ElvishJerricco]) CodeChicken Core (id: CodeChickenCore, version:, authors: [ChickenBones]) FastFlyBlockBreaking (id: fastflyblockbreaking, version: 0.1, authors: [Barteks2x]) 1.2 (id: ivtoolkit, version: IvToolkit, authors: [Ivorius]) LambdaLib|Core (id: LambdaLib|Core, version: 1.2.3, authors: []) Not Enough Items (id: NotEnoughItems, version:, authors: [ChickenBones]) OpenComputers (Core) (id: OpenComputers|Core, version:, authors: [Sangar]) OpenModsCore (id: OpenModsCore, version: 0.9.1, authors: [Mikee, NeverCast, boq]) CoFH ASM (id: , version: 000, authors: []) HxCKDMS Core ASM (id: HxCCore-ASM, version: 1.13.2, authors: [HxCKDMS]) FastCraft (id: FastCraft, version: 1.23, authors: [Player]) debug (id: debug, version: 1.0, authors: []) Familiars API (id: FamiliarsAPI, version: 1.7.10, authors: []) Mine & Blade Battlegear 2 - Bullseye (id: battlegear2, version: 1.7.10, authors: [nerd-boy, GotoLink, coolAlias]) CoFH Core (id: CoFHCore, version: 1.7.10R3.1.4, authors: [Team CoFH]) BuildCraft (id: BuildCraft|Core, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) BC Silicon (id: BuildCraft|Silicon, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) BC Transport (id: BuildCraft|Transport, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) Waila (id: Waila, version: 1.5.10, authors: []) WailaAddonBC (id: WailaAddonBC, version:, authors: []) KingCore (id: DC1, version:, authors: []) Fishing Nets (id: FishingNets, version:, authors: []) BC Energy (id: BuildCraft|Energy, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) BC Builders (id: BuildCraft|Builders, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) BC Factory (id: BuildCraft|Factory, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) IndustrialCraft 2 (id: IC2, version: 2.2.827-experimental, authors: [Alblaka, Player, RichardG, Thunderdark, GregoriusT, alexthesax, Drashian, Elementalist, Feanturi, Lurch1985, SirusKing, tahu44, Aroma1997]) Immibis Core (id: ImmibisCore, version: 59.1.4, authors: []) Liquid XP (id: LiquidXP, version: 59.0.2, authors: []) Baubles (id: Baubles, version:, authors: []) Thermal Foundation (id: ThermalFoundation, version: 1.7.10R1.2.6, authors: [Team CoFH]) Thermal Expansion (id: ThermalExpansion, version: 1.7.10R4.1.5, authors: [Team CoFH]) Additional Buildcraft Objects (id: Additional-Buildcraft-Objects, version: MC1.7.10-BC7.1release4.0.9, authors: [DA3DSOUL, Flow86, blakmajik, Others]) BC Robotics (id: BuildCraft|Robotics, version: 7.1.19, authors: [SpaceToad, BuildCraft Team]) ComputerCraft (id: ComputerCraft, version: 1.75, authors: []) Factorization Notification System (id: factorization.notify, version: 1.0, authors: []) Factorization Dimensional Slices (id: factorization.dimensionalSlice, version: 0.8.100, authors: []) Factorization (id: factorization, version: 0.8.100, authors: [neptunepink]) Hardcore Ender Expansion (id: HardcoreEnderExpansion, version: 1.8.6, authors: [Programmed by chylex |]) Mantle (id: Mantle, version: 1.7.10-0.3.2.jenkins191, authors: []) Natura (id: Natura, version: 2.2.0, authors: []) Forestry for Minecraft (id: Forestry, version:, authors: [SirSengir]) Logistics Pipes (id: LogisticsPipes, version:, authors: []) Additional Pipes (id: additionalpipes, version: 4.7.0, authors: [Zeldo, DaStormBringer, MultipleMonomials, Additional Pipes Contributors]) Advanced Machines (id: AdvancedMachines, version: 59.0.2, authors: []) Advanced Solar Panels (id: AdvancedSolarPanel, version: 1.7.10-3.5.1, authors: [SeNtiMeL, Icedfire]) Ancient Warfare Core (id: AncientWarfare, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45]) Ancient Warfare Automation (id: AncientWarfareAutomation, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45]) Ancient Warfare NEI Plugin (id: AncientWarfareNEIPlugin, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: []) Ancient Warfare NPCs (id: AncientWarfareNpc, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45]) Ancient Warfare Structures (id: AncientWarfareStructure, version: 2.4.114-beta-MC1.7.10, authors: [shadowmage45]) Applied Energistics 2 (id: appliedenergistics2, version: rv2-stable-10, authors: [AlgorithmX2]) Moving World (id: MovingWorld, version: 1.7.10-1.8.1, authors: [Darkevilmac, Large portions of code based on Archimedes' Ships]) Archimedes' Ships Plus (id: ArchimedesShipsPlus, version: 1.7.10-1.8.1, authors: []) Armourer's Workshop (id: armourersWorkshop, version: 1.7.10-0.46.0, authors: [RiskyKen]) Plushie Wrapper (id: plushieWrapper, version: 0.0.0, authors: [RiskyKen]) Aroma1997Core|Helper (id: Aroma1997CoreHelper, version:, authors: []) Aroma1997's Dimensional World (id: Aroma1997sDimension, version: 1.0, authors: []) Back in Slime Mod (id: bis, version: 3.1.6, authors: []) iChunUtil (id: iChunUtil, version: 4.2.3, authors: []) BackTools (id: BackTools, version: 4.0.0, authors: []) Battle Towers (id: BattleTowers, version: 1.5.1, authors: []) BiblioCraft (id: BiblioCraft, version: 1.11.5, authors: [Joseph 'Nuchaz' Sinclair]) Big Reactors (id: BigReactors, version: 0.4.3A, authors: [ErogenousBeef]) Binnie Core (id: BinnieCore, version:, authors: [Binnie]) Botany (id: Botany, version:, authors: [Binnie]) Extra Trees (id: ExtraTrees, version:, authors: [Binnie]) Genetics (id: Genetics, version:, authors: [Binnie]) Extra Bees (id: ExtraBees, version:, authors: [Binnie]) Equivalent Exchange 3 (id: EE3, version:, authors: [pahimar, x3n0ph0b3]) FullThrottle Alchemist (id: Project_Alchemy, version: 1.0.18, authors: [bluedart]) Railcraft (id: Railcraft, version:, authors: [CovertJaguar]) The Twilight Forest (id: TwilightForest, version: 2.3.7, authors: []) Forge Multipart (id: ForgeMultipart, version:, authors: []) Chisel 2 (id: chisel, version:, authors: [AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN, Pokefenn, Cricket, tterrag]) Carpenter's Blocks (id: CarpentersBlocks, version:, authors: [Mineshopper]) Caveworld 2 (id: caveworld, version: 2.3.2, authors: [kegare]) EnderStorage (id: EnderStorage, version:, authors: [ChickenBones]) MineFactory Reloaded (id: MineFactoryReloaded, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, Feanorith, skyboy026]) MrTJPCore (id: MrTJPCoreMod, version:, authors: []) ProjectRed Core (id: ProjRed|Core, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) ProjectRed Transmission (id: ProjRed|Transmission, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) OpenComputers (id: OpenComputers, version:, authors: [Florian 'Sangar' Nuecke, Johannes 'Lord Joda' Lohrer, Everyone who contributed to the mod on Github - thank you!]) OpenMods (id: OpenMods, version: 0.9.1, authors: []) OpenPeripheralCore (id: OpenPeripheralCore, version: 1.3, authors: []) CCTweaks (id: CCTweaks, version: 1.1.1, authors: [SquidDev, ElvishJerricco]) ChickenChunks (id: ChickenChunks, version:, authors: [ChickenBones]) Chocolate Quest (id: chocolateQuest, version: 1.0, authors: []) ClayWorldGen (id: clayworldgen, version: v1.0.1, authors: []) Compact Lava Generator (id: CLG, version: 2.0.1, authors: [panda_2134]) ElecCore (id: ElecCore, version: 1.4.294, authors: [Elec332]) CMIP (id: CMIP, version: 1.0Beta.23, authors: [Elec332]) CompactWindmills (id: CompactWindmills, version:, authors: []) CosmeticArmorReworked (id: cosmeticarmorreworked, version: 1.7.10-v6b, authors: [zlainsama]) CraftHeraldry (id: CraftHeraldry, version: 1.1.3, authors: []) CraftingTableIV (id: CraftingTableIV, version: 1.1Beta.93, authors: [Elec332]) CustomNpcs (id: customnpcs, version: 1.7.10d, authors: [Noppes, DarkSignal(AI), Foxz(Commands)]) D3Core (id: D3Core, version:, authors: [Dries007, Doubledoor team]) PTRModelLib (id: PTRModelLib, version: 1.0.0, authors: []) Decocraft (id: props, version:, authors: [RazzleberryFox]) Dirtbike Mod (id: Dirtbike, version: v1.2.0, authors: []) Dragon Realm (id: dragonrealm, version: 1.2a, authors: []) Enchanting Plus (id: eplus, version: 3.0.2-d, authors: []) Enchiridion (id: Enchiridion, version: 1.3, authors: []) Enchiridion 2 (id: Enchiridion2, version: 2.0.2a, authors: []) EnderCore (id: endercore, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [tterrag, CrazyPants]) Mekanism (id: Mekanism, version: 9.1.1, authors: []) Ender IO (id: EnderIO, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [CrazyPants, tterrag]) Ender Spawn (id: enderspawn, version: 1.0.0, authors: [ShadCanard]) EnderTech (id: EnderTech, version: 1.7.10-, authors: [voxelcarrot, Arkan]) Ender Utilities (id: enderutilities, version: 0.5.3, authors: [masa]) Et Futurum (id: etfuturum, version: 1.5.5, authors: [ganymedes01]) Ex Nihilo (id: exnihilo, version: 1.38-53, authors: [Erasmus Crowley]) Extra Utilities (id: ExtraUtilities, version: 1.2.12, authors: [RWTema]) Tinkers' Construct (id: TConstruct, version: 1.7.10-1.8.8.build988, authors: [mDiyo, fuj1n, ProgWML6, Sunstrike, Pillbox, boni]) Ex Astris Rebirth (id: exastrisrebirth, version: MC1.7.10-1.01-45, authors: [LoveHoly, MikeLydeamore]) §6Explosives§4++ (id: explosives_pp, version: 1.7b, authors: [§cminerguy31]) Extra Cells 2 (id: extracells, version: 2.3.14, authors: [M3gaFr3ak, DrummerMC]) Factorization Miscellaneous Nonsense (id: factorization.misc, version: 0.8.100, authors: []) Scrap (id: fz.scrap, version: 0.8.100, authors: []) Truth (id: factorization.truth, version: 0.8.100, authors: []) DefaultMobPack (id: DefaultMobPack, version: 1.7.10, authors: []) ExtendedFamPack (id: ExtendedFamPack, version: 1.7.10, authors: []) Fire Peripherals (id: FirePeripherals, version: 1.0, authors: [FireHead996]) §bFood Plus (id: FoodPlus, version: 3.2rS, authors: [§aJoseTheCrafter]) Forestry Fermenter Addon (id: ForestryFermenterAddon, version: 1.0.5, authors: []) Gany's End (id: ganysend, version: 1.11.3, authors: [ganymedes01]) Gany's Nether (id: ganysnether, version: 1.8.3, authors: [ganymedes01]) Gany's Surface (id: ganyssurface, version: 1.12.8, authors: [ganymedes01]) Gods' Weapons (id: godweapons, version: 4.0, authors: []) Harvest (id: Harvest, version: 1.7.10-1.0.0-2, authors: [TehNut]) HxC-Core (id: HxCCore, version: 1.13.2, authors: []) HxC Enchants (id: HxCEnchants, version: 2.5.0, authors: []) HxCLinkPads (id: HxCLinkPads, version: 1.5.1, authors: []) HxCPeripherals (id: hxcperipherals, version: 1.0, authors: [wiggle1000]) Nuclear Control 2 (id: IC2NuclearControl, version: 2.4.2a, authors: [Shedar, xbony2, Zuxelus, DMF444]) In-Game wiki Mod (id: IGWMod, version: 1.1.12-34, authors: [MineMaarten]) In-Game Account Switcher (id: IngameAccountSwitcher, version: 7.0.1, authors: [The_Fireplace, The_BrainStone]) LunatriusCore (id: LunatriusCore, version:, authors: [Lunatrius]) InGame Info XML (id: InGameInfoXML, version:, authors: [Lunatrius]) Inventory Tweaks (id: inventorytweaks, version: 1.59-dev-152-cf6e263, authors: []) Iron Chest (id: IronChest, version:, authors: []) JABBA (id: JABBA, version: 1.2.2, authors: [ProfMobius, Taelnia]) JourneyMap (id: journeymap, version: 5.1.4p2, authors: [techbrew, mysticdrew]) Just Another Spawner Compatibility Addon (id: JASCompatability, version: 1.2.0, authors: []) KnightPeripherals (id: knightperipherals, version: 1.7.10-1.3, authors: [KnightMiner]) LambdaLib (id: LambdaLib, version: 1.2.3, authors: [Lambda Innovation]) Loot Bags (id: lootbags, version: 2.0.17, authors: []) MFR Compat: Applied Energistics (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatAppliedEnergistics, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: BuildCraft (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatBuildCraft, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: Forestry (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForestry, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: ForgeMicroblock (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatForgeMicroblock, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: IC2 (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatIC2, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) ProjectRed Exploration (id: ProjRed|Exploration, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) MFR Compat ProjectRed (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatProjRed, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: Railcraft (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatRailcraft, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [skyboy]) MFR Compat: Thermal Expansion (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatThermalExpansion, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: Tinkers' Construct (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTConstruct, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: TwilightForest (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatTwilightForest, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MFR Compat: Vanilla (id: MineFactoryReloaded|CompatVanilla, version: 1.7.10R2.8.1, authors: [PowerCrystals]) MineTweaker 3 (id: MineTweaker3, version: 3.0.10, authors: [Stan Hebben]) MineTweakerRecipeMaker (id: MTRM, version: 1.0, authors: []) MoarSigns (id: MoarSigns, version: 1.2.4, authors: [Gory_Moon]) Simple Mod Lister (id: ModLister, version: 1.0, authors: [Dragon2488]) Mod Tweaker 2 (id: modtweaker2, version: 0.9.6, authors: [Jaredlll08]) Numina (id: numina, version:, authors: [MachineMuse]) MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits (id: powersuits, version: @VERSION@, authors: []) Morph (id: Morph, version: 0.9.3, authors: []) Mouse Tweaks (id: MouseTweaks, version: 2.4.4, authors: [YaLTeR]) §9MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod (id: cfm, version: 3.4.8, authors: [§8MrCrayfish]) More Swords 3 (id: MSM3, version: 3.0.0d, authors: [Darkhax]) NEI Integration (id: neiintegration, version: 1.1.2, authors: [tonius11]) Nether Ores (id: NetherOres, version: 1.7.10R2.3.1, authors: [PowerCrystals, TehKrush, AtomicStryker, skyboy026]) NoMoreRecipeConflict (id: recipehandler, version: 1.7.10, authors: [stimmedcow, GotoLink]) NotEnoughIDs (id: notenoughIDs, version:, authors: [fewizz, Player]) OpenBlocks (id: OpenBlocks, version: 1.5.1, authors: []) OpenLights (id: openlights, version:, authors: []) Open Modular Turrets (id: openmodularturrets, version: 2.2.8-231, authors: []) OpenPeripheralAddons (id: OpenPeripheral, version: 0.5.1, authors: []) OpenPeripheralIntegration (id: OpenPeripheralIntegration, version: 0.5, authors: []) OpenPrinter (id: openprinter, version:, authors: []) OpenRadio (id: openradio, version: 0.6.1, authors: [XDjackieXD]) OpenSecurity (id: opensecurity, version: 1.0.103, authors: []) OpenSensors (id: opensensors, version: 1.0.4, authors: [MichiyoRavencroft]) Ore Dictionary Converter (id: fodc, version: 1.6.1, authors: []) Pam's HarvestCraft (id: harvestcraft, version: 1.7.10j, authors: [Pamela Collins]) Pandora's Box (id: pandorasbox, version: 2.0.1, authors: []) Parachute Mod (id: parachutemod, version: 1.7.10, authors: [crackedEgg]) Parzi's Star Wars Mod (id: starwarsmod, version: 1.3.3, authors: [parzi, weaston]) Pet Bat (id: PetBat, version: 1.3.8, authors: []) Placeable Gunpowder (id: gunpowder, version: 1.1, authors: []) Placeable Items Mod (id: placeableitems, version: 2.0.1, authors: [Ferdz, Emx2000]) PlaceableTools (id: PlaceableTools, version:, authors: [Dries007, Doubledoor team]) PneumaticCraft (id: PneumaticCraft, version: 1.12.7-150, authors: []) Pocket Nether Link (id: pocketnether, version: 2.0, authors: [kandivia]) PortalGun (id: PortalGun, version: 4.0.0-beta-6, authors: []) Power Converters 3 (id: PowerConverters3, version: 1.7.10-2.11, authors: []) ProjectRed Transportation (id: ProjRed|Transportation, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) ProjectRed Compatibility (id: ProjRed|Compatibility, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) ProjectRed Integration (id: ProjRed|Integration, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) ProjectRed Fabrication (id: ProjRed|Fabrication, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) ProjectRed Illumination (id: ProjRed|Illumination, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) ProjectRed Expansion (id: ProjRed|Expansion, version: 4.7.0pre12.95, authors: []) QuiverBow (id: quiverchevsky, version: b101c, authors: []) Random Things (id: RandomThings, version: 2.2.4, authors: [Lumien]) ReAuth (id: ReAuth, version: 3.2, authors: [TechnicianLP]) Recurrent Complex (id: reccomplex, version:, authors: [Ivorius]) Redstone Paste (id: RedstonePasteMod, version: 1.6.2, authors: []) libsandstone (id: libsandstone, version: 1.0.0, authors: []) Reliquary (id: xreliquary, version: 1.2, authors: [x3n0ph0b3, TheMike]) Roguelike Dungeons (id: Roguelike, version:, authors: [Greymerk]) Ropes+ (id: RopesPlus, version: 1.6.4, authors: []) Ruins Spawning System (id: AS_Ruins, version: 15.1, authors: []) Schematica (id: Schematica, version:, authors: [Lunatrius]) ShoulderSurfing (id: shouldersurfing, version: 1.0, authors: [Joshua Powers]) SkinPort (id: skinport, version: 1.7.10-v8c, authors: [zlainsama]) Slabcraft (id: slabcraftmod, version: 1.7, authors: []) Sound Filters (id: soundfilters, version: 0.8_for_1.7.X, authors: [Tmtravlr]) Soundless Background (id: SB, version: 1.0, authors: [Gliath]) Staircraft (id: staircraftmod, version: 1.7, authors: []) Steve's Workshop (id: StevesWorkshop, version: 0.5.1, authors: [Vswe]) Storage Drawers (id: StorageDrawers, version: 1.7.10-1.10.9, authors: []) Fisk's Superheroes (id: fiskheroes, version: 1.0.13, authors: [FiskFille]) Sync (id: Sync, version: 4.0.1, authors: []) The Kitchen Mod (id: kitchen, version: 1.3.23, authors: []) Thermal Dynamics (id: ThermalDynamics, version: 1.7.10R1.2.1, authors: [Team CoFH]) TiC Tooltips (id: TiCTooltips, version: 1.2.5, authors: [squeek]) TeeLuk's SpecialArmor (id: SpecialArmor, version: 1.7.10, authors: []) Tree Growing Simulator 2014 (id: treeGrowingSimulator, version: 0.0.3, authors: []) Tubestuff (id: Tubestuff, version: 59.0.4, authors: []) Waila Harvestability (id: WailaHarvestability, version: 1.1.6, authors: [squeek]) WAILA Plugins (id: wailaplugins, version: MC1.7.10-0.2.0-25, authors: [tterrag]) Warp Book (id: warpbook, version: 2.0.null, authors: [panicnot42]) WarStuff (id: warstuff, version: 1.4, authors: [bbProgrammer, estplayer]) What Are We Looking At (id: wawla, version: 1.3.1, authors: []) Waystones (id: waystones, version: 1.0.4, authors: [BlayTheNinth]) World-Tooltips (id: world-tooltips, version: 1.2.3, authors: [GenuineSounds]) WorldEdit CUI Forge Edition (id: WorldEditCuiFe, version: 1.0.7, authors: [yetanotherx, Mumfrey, Hexosse]) Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod (id: YALSM, version: 2.1.3, authors: []) Minecraft Multipart Plugin (id: McMultipart, version:, authors: []) ForgeRelocation (id: ForgeRelocation, version:, authors: []) MCFrames (id: MCFrames, version: 1.0, authors: []) RelocationFMP (id: RelocationFMP, version:, authors: []) Dense Ores (id: denseores, version: 1.0, authors: []) Just Another Spawner (id: JustAnotherSpawner, version: 0.17.7, authors: []) Thermal Recycling (id: recycling, version:, authors: [OreCruncher]) UniDict (id: UniDict, version: 1.7.10-2.9.2, authors: [WanionCane]) Forge Microblocks (id: ForgeMicroblock, version:, authors: [])
scomans commented 7 years ago

I'm sorry but modded Minecraft servers are no supported by MyPet and therefore I can not help you :/ I would like to support them but I simply don't have the time to dig into Forge and how it works.

p1ut0nium commented 7 years ago

bummer. Ok I understand.