Right now, routing_queue does not have subTypeSettings in mediasettings* and cannedResponseLibraries.
Not having subTypeSettings in media_settings_message makes enable_auto_answer useless as auto answer does not turn on for media subtypes.
Not supporting cannedResponseLibraries is bit more problematic, because when you update a queue with canned response library configured using Terraform, canned response library setting goes back to "All libraries". As a result once you configure canned response libraries to queues CXasCode can no longer be used to manage queue configuration. I understand this can take longer to fix as Go SDK does not support this either.
I was thinking to add below to genesyscloud/routing_queue/resource_genesyscloud_routing_queue_schema.go and modify queue to work with but not too sure how long it will take.
// New subschema
queueMediaBaseSettingsResource = &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"media_subtype": {
Description: "Media subtype, examples are whatsapp, twitter, webmessaging, facebook, sms, instagram & open",
Type: schema.TypeString,
Required: true,
"enable_auto_answer": {
Description: "Indicates if auto-answer is enabled for the given media type or subtype (default is false). Subtype settings take precedence over media type settings.",
Type: schema.TypeBool,
Required: true,
// Add "subtype_settings to queueMediaSettingsResource
queueMediaSettingsResource = &schema.Resource{
Schema: map[string]*schema.Schema{
"subtype_settings": {
Description: "Media subtype specific settings.",
Type: schema.TypeList,
Optional: true,
Elem: queueMediaBaseSettingsResource,
Right now, routing_queue does not have subTypeSettings in mediasettings* and cannedResponseLibraries.
Not having subTypeSettings in
useless as auto answer does not turn on for media subtypes.Not supporting cannedResponseLibraries is bit more problematic, because when you update a queue with canned response library configured using Terraform, canned response library setting goes back to "All libraries". As a result once you configure canned response libraries to queues CXasCode can no longer be used to manage queue configuration. I understand this can take longer to fix as Go SDK does not support this either.
I was thinking to add below to genesyscloud/routing_queue/resource_genesyscloud_routing_queue_schema.go and modify queue to work with but not too sure how long it will take.
// New subschema