Open Svyatpro opened 6 years ago
What build is your version of the game?
Latest Steam version. I can give you WineD3D build that is able to run this game.
Sure do.
This game runs out of memory before starting a race on my rig. Maybe your build of wined3d wrapper with all its dependencies works better.
Wait some time, this should be WineD3D issue when using PBA patches
Try this
Eh, behaves same way for me, with either wined3d. I try two versions: 2016 pre-release and 2018 recent. Both will pop up an OUT OF MEMORY MessageBox. The difference is that 2016 one will show 3d garage. Both are d3d11 reliant.
As for the two function mentioned in OP post, I have implemented them as dummy so far, as to satisfy dependencies.
/3GB switch may help.
It does indeed help. both versions will start, though unplayably slow on my end :p Regarding the functions, the game probably makes light use of them, so best with own test after a non-dummy implementation is made.
I can also build WineD3D with PBA patches which will dramatically increase performance on NVIDIA cards on XP. Unfortunately, only NVIDIA supports OpenGL 4.4+ on XP. Neither AMD nor Intel doesn't.
Are they different from fdossena builds?
Sure, very much dufferent
Toying around with ocapi's wined3d implementation, it does seem to be faster than fdossena build(at least, with native NVIDIA opengl). Doesn't play along with mesa3d softemu, though.
That is our build with PBA patches. You can try this build. It is WineD3D 3.19 PBA with some 3.20 backports. Might explain why it doesn't like mesa3d.
I think we should move talking about wined3d elsewhere, and keep this for the two console functions.
The Next Car Game: Wreckfest requires following kernel32 functions: GetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx SetConsoleScreenBufferInfoEx