MyTooliT / ICOc

ICOc is a tool to control the ICOtronic system, acquire data, and test stationary transceiver units and sensory tool holders.
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ICOc: Improve Channel Names #30

Open sanssecours opened 2 years ago

sanssecours commented 2 years ago


For some of the sensor hardware the current channel naming scheme of X, Y and Z does not make sense, since the measured values do not donate acceleration values for a certain axis. We should change the naming scheme to incorporate the type of measured value. For now Christoph (@iftrams) suggested that we should change the name in the user interface to either

In the future we should also update the names of the measured values (x, y, z) in the HDF5 file that stores the data.

One problem I see with the current suggestion is that it might confuse new users, if the naming in the data file and the user interface is different. Another problem might be that we use the same name for the (up to 8) available channels on the board and the three channels we configured for the current measurement. A sentence like “We configured (measurement) channel 1 to uses channel (number) 2” might be confusing.

thirschbuechler commented 2 years ago

my suggestion is to use a source and sink notation with additional long-names, e.g

where source denotes the sensor and sinkthe myt-protocol data-field