MyTurn-OpenSource / pyturn

MyTurn implementation with Python backend and HTML/CSS/JavaScript frontend
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pin-n-meet flow #15

Open jcomeauictx opened 6 years ago

jcomeauictx commented 6 years ago

The PinAndMeet app gets people together. Myturn helps ensure that the conversation is good.

If we use the PinAndMeet flow, then the first page users see would be a place to enter their identity. Then they would be presented with a list of available conversations and be able to choose the setup page requiring entering Name, Time, and Turn info. When we move to an app, the choice could include an option to be notified when an interesting conversation was starting/occurring nearby.

This type of flow will make it easier for new users. However, we don’t need it all now. Just add this flow structure in the simplest way.

If this introduces too much complication, just duplicate the current front end. (dss)

jcomeauictx commented 6 years ago

Here is an idea for a simplified group selection page: groups are listed vertically, with the most recent at the top. the top group is empty with “Enter Group” as an option to select. this takes the user to a setup page when setup is finished, the newly setup group appears just under the Enter Group option.

Various indicators could be added later: “In progress” could just be a green dot Start time End time Turn Limit Conversational balance or other quality indicators.


PS: I am still looking for a front-end designer. I like the Pin’n’Meet logo, but I would replace the pin on the map with a heart. The new app would be named “Heart-to-Heart” with a logo of two emoji hearts with a “2” in the middle: H2H

jcomeauictx commented 6 years ago

This could be “Join” when the discussion was active and “Restart” if it was over. Turn and Time limits would need to be visible (dss)

jcomeauictx commented 6 years ago

These are the tasks that need to be finished:

This would include the new Pin-and-Meet type of front-end and getting the data comprehensively recorded so we can quality control site utilization. Some rudimentary data export will also be required.

A CSV delimited file mailed to at the completion of each session mediated by Myturn would be sufficient. However, storage in an attached database would be wise.

We need a solid beta of the Myturn site at the completion of the next two month sprint. This should include an update of the BeagleBoard hotspots.

jcomeauictx commented 6 years ago

This discontinued “pin’n'meet" app offers one approach to a new front end for Myturn. Let me know, if you can get the apk,2750322/

Looks like they had a FB page:

jcomeauictx commented 6 years ago

added script and cron job to email csv files to root, and added dss email to root, in commit 31731382b5