Mydayyy / Valheim-ServerSideMap

This plugin completely moves the explored map and created pins to the server. As clients explore, they will send their explored areas to the server who will then distribute it to all connected clients. When a client joins, the server will synchronize the currently explored areas to the client. Pins are shared as well but default to false and need to be enabled. When pin sharing is used, all newly created pins are send to the server who saves them along with the explored area.
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[Minor Typo] Typo in the generated config file #34

Closed ghost closed 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hey Mydayyy, again, much thanks for the great mod. Appreciate it a lot 👍

In the v1.3.0 generated config file, eu.mydayyy.plugins.serversidemap.cfg, the description still says:

A local pin will not be uploaded if a pin exists in the given radius on the server (when using /convertpins removelocaldupes)

It should be

A local pin will not be uploaded if a pin exists in the given radius on the server (when using /convertpins ignorelocaldupes)

Mydayyy commented 3 years ago

:facepalm: That's what I get for changing around the command name.

Thanks, I'll fix that

Edit: Fixed in e6033b0aa96fe6bdb4cea91aa81446285c67658f

ghost commented 3 years ago

Nice and easy 😄