Mydayyy / Valheim-ServerSideMap

This plugin completely moves the explored map and created pins to the server. As clients explore, they will send their explored areas to the server who will then distribute it to all connected clients. When a client joins, the server will synchronize the currently explored areas to the client. Pins are shared as well but default to false and need to be enabled. When pin sharing is used, all newly created pins are send to the server who saves them along with the explored area.
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Feature request: Copy map pins from mod files to local #42

Closed rakheepatel closed 3 years ago

rakheepatel commented 3 years ago

I used this mod on a shared server with some friends (and it was immensely useful!), and while this mod was active I also played on my personal world. The shared world doesn't seem to have much activity now so there's no longer a need for a shared map. On removing this mod though all my map markers I added to my personal world since I installed this mod vanish unless I bring the mod back.

I suggest a feature to copy the map marker locations down into my world files. Your suggestion of:

My idea would be to implement a new command to sync pins from the server back to the client. Basically the opposite of the convertpins command.

would work just fine

Mydayyy commented 3 years ago


I uploaded a new RC:

Please be adviced that this RC also contains rc-1.3.3 and rc-1.3.2.

This update adds a new command /downloadpins which should help you move your pins back.

Let me know if this works for you.

If you can confirm that it works I'd proceed to create a formal release of that version.

Best Regards Mydayyy

rakheepatel commented 3 years ago

/downloadpins command seems to work just fine. It retained my markers after I took the mod off. Thank you!