Mydayyy / Valheim-ServerSideMap

This plugin completely moves the explored map and created pins to the server. As clients explore, they will send their explored areas to the server who will then distribute it to all connected clients. When a client joins, the server will synchronize the currently explored areas to the client. Pins are shared as well but default to false and need to be enabled. When pin sharing is used, all newly created pins are send to the server who saves them along with the explored area.
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[Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [ServerSideMap] because a newer version exists (ServerSideMap #58

Closed Benreuveni closed 9 months ago

Benreuveni commented 10 months ago

I'm getting the following error" [Warning: BepInEx] Skipping [ServerSideMap] because a newer version exists (ServerSideMap error_log.txt

I'm using r2modman with a profile that's shared between a dedicated server I'm hosting, and my own client. All other mods work as expected.

A few other questions:


Mydayyy commented 10 months ago


thank you for your report. I'll be prefacing this by saying that I never used r2modman.

Let me answer the questions first:

I've not been able to find the .explored file anywhere. I'm using

It should exist as a sibling to your world save file and be named as WORLDNAME.mod.serversidemap.explored. If the mod does not get loaded due to the above error the file would not exist

Should the ServerSideMap.dll be placed in the BepInEx>Plugins folder, or in the BepInEx>Plugins>Mydayyy-ServerSideMap folder?

This should, to my knowledge, not make a difference. As far as I know the entire manual management is abstracted away from the user by r2modman. So putting it in a subfolder should be good as well

Since I use r2modman I only have 1 single BepInEx folder. Does this interfere with this mod?

Isn't this the norm? I too only have one BepInEx folder.

To circle back to the main question:

I have never seen this error, upon googling it I found some answers relating to a double installation. Can you doublecheck that the mod is not installed twice? E.g once manual and once by r2modman