Mydayyy / pbcli

pbcli is a command line client which allows to upload and download pastes from privatebin directly from the command line.
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Add CI linting with clippy and rustfmt #5

Closed nain-F49FF806 closed 3 months ago

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago

This will automate rust formatting and code quality fixes.

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago

The second commit here is made automatically by the GitHub action. The first commit defines the CI workflow for the same. You can see the workflow run here. [workflow run]

Mydayyy commented 3 months ago


I hope you are doing well.

Generally I am all in favor of extending the CICD Pipeline here, although I do believe that the CICD Pipeline issuing commits is an antipattern. What do you think about modifying the Pipeline so that it will only check the formatting and fail if the code is not properly formatted? Fixing it would then be up to the user.

Best Regards Mydayyy

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago

Absolutely. That can be done. Just give me a min.

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago


I have updated to only run the check and not issue automated commits. Should I also revert the already applied changes? Or do you want to keep them.

Best Regards.

Mydayyy commented 3 months ago


lets keep those, since I had that on my todo list anyways to let clippy do its clippy things.

Best Regards Mydayyy

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago

It should be good to go now. You may have a look. Cheers.

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago

Just a min. There's a little thing that needs fixing. Apologies.

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago


This should now turn red on any unfixed Clippy warnings. So one can be alerted to fix them.

Best Regards.

nain-F49FF806 commented 3 months ago

Took care of all uncovered Clippy warnings. :upside_down_face:

Mydayyy commented 3 months ago

Merged, thanks for your contribution!

Best Regards Mydayyy

Mydayyy commented 3 months ago

Did one quick fix on main, didn't catch that in the PR. Replaced main with master