Mykrobe-tools / mykrobe

Antibiotic resistance prediction in minutes
MIT License
103 stars 26 forks source link

Front page suggestions #14

Closed iqbal-lab closed 4 years ago

iqbal-lab commented 6 years ago

The readme is much better than predictors, but I think if you come at it blind, it's a bit intimidating and also has a lot of info you don't need. How would you feel about this?

Master: Build Status

Dev: Build Status

Tested on python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6.



git clone mykrobe
cd mykrobe

## Download pre-built probesets
wget -O mykrobe-data.tar.gz && tar -zxvf mykrobe-data.tar.gz && rm -fr src/mykrobe/data && mv mykrobe-data src/mykrobe/data

pip install .

This will install two executables: mykrobe and mccortex31 (a fork of mccortex).


mykrobe --help
usage: mykrobe [-h] [--version] {predict,variants,vars,genotype} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             mykrobe-atlas version

    predict             predict the sample's drug susceptibility
    variants (vars)     build variant probes
    genotype            genotype a sample using a probe set

AMR prediction (Mykrobe predictor)

positional arguments:
  sample                sample id
  species               species

most useful of the optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -1 seq [seq ...], --seq seq [seq ...]
                        sequence files (fasta,fastq,bam)
  --panel panel         variant panel (default:walker-2015)
  --min_depth min_depth
  --output OUTPUT       File path to save output json file as. Default is to


mykrobe predict tb_sample_id tb -1 tb_sequence.bam/fq --output results.json
# send output to stdout instead
mykrobe predict staph_sample_id staph -1 staph_sequence.bam/fq

Note that the tb -1 or staph -1 is fixed; the tb_sample_id and staph_sample_id should be replaced by your own identifier for this sample (if you want). The tb_sequence.bam/fq means this can be a bam file or fastq file.


mykrobe predict ERR117639 /download/ena/ERR117639*.gz tb


Output is in JSON format. To convert to a less verbose tabular format use json_to_tsv.

    "sample_id": {
        "susceptibility": {
            "Rifampicin": {
                "predict": "S"
            "Streptomycin": {
                "predict": "S"
        "phylogenetics": {
            "lineage": {
                "Unknown": {
                    "percent_coverage": -1,
                    "median_depth": -1
            "species": {
                "Mycobacterium_tuberculosis": {
                    "percent_coverage": 98.0,
                    "median_depth": 53
        "typed_variants": {
            "rpoB_N438S-AAC761118AGT": {
                "info": {
                    "contamination_depths": [],
                    "coverage": {
                        "alternate": {
                            "percent_coverage": 47.62,
                            "median_depth": 0.0,
                            "min_depth": 47.0
                        "reference": {
                            "percent_coverage": 100.0,
                            "median_depth": 49.0,
                            "min_depth": 44.0
                    "expected_depths": [
                "_cls": "Call.VariantCall",
                "genotype": [
                "genotype_likelihoods": [
            },   ...               


If you use one of the following panels please cite the relevant publications:

mykrobe predict tb_sample_id  tb --panel walker-2015 -1 tb_sequence.bam

Walker, Timothy M., et al. "Whole-genome sequencing for prediction of Mycobacterium tuberculosis drug susceptibility and resistance: a retrospective cohort study." The Lancet Infectious Diseases 15.10 (2015): 1193-1202.

mykrobe predict tb_sample_id  tb --panel bradley-2015 -1 tb_sequence.bam

Bradley, Phelim, et al. "Rapid antibiotic-resistance predictions from genome sequence data for Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis." Nature communications 6 (2015).

Genotyping a pre-built probe set (representing a catalog of mutations/indels/genes)

See [whatever other linked page] for the full list of possible arguments. For the basic usage, which is probably what you want, see below:


   mykrobe genotype sample_id example-data/staph-amr-bradley_2015.fasta -1 seq.fq 
    "sample_id": {
        "files": [
            "seq.fq "
        "kmer": 21,
        "sequence_calls": {
            "mecA": {
                "info": {
                    "copy_number": 0.0,
                    "contamination_depths": [],
                    "coverage": {
                        "percent_coverage": 0.0,
                        "median_depth": 0.0,
                        "min_non_zero_depth": 0.0
                    "expected_depths": [
                "_cls": "Call.SequenceCall",
                "genotype": [
                "genotype_likelihoods": [
            "fusA": {
                "info": {
                    "copy_number": 1.0276923076923077,
                    "contamination_depths": [],
                    "version": "10",
                    "coverage": {
                        "percent_coverage": 100.0,
                        "median_depth": 167.0,
                        "min_non_zero_depth": 116.0
                    "expected_depths": [
                "_cls": "Call.SequenceCall",
                "genotype": [
                "genotype_likelihoods": [

Make a custom probe set (to use your own list of SNPs/genes/indels with mykrobe genotype)

Add variants to the database (for background/context)

This is optional but will make any probe sets built more robust to variation in within k-1 bases of the key variants. This will require mongoDB > 3.0 running in the background.

usage: mykrobe-atlas variants add [-h] [--db_name db_name] [-f] [-q]
                                  [-m METHOD]
                                  vcf reference_set

positional arguments:
  vcf                   a vcf file
  reference_set         reference set

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --db_name db_name     db_name
  -f, --force           force
  -q, --quiet           do not output warnings to stderr
  -m METHOD, --method METHOD
                        variant caller method (e.g. CORTEX)

To add a VCF to the database db_name run

mykrobe variants add --db_name :db_name sample.vcf :reference

Use the --method argument to specify the variant caller or pipeline used (if you'll have multiple Call Sets per sample)

mykrobe variants add --db_name :db_name --method CORTEX sample_cortex.vcf :reference    

Make probes and dump-probes

Full usage is [here] - examples below


1 Simple case - building a probe without using backgrounds

mykrobe variants make-probes -v A1234T example-data/NC_000962.3.fasta

2. 'Dumping' the Variant database

To build a ProbeSet of all non-singleton variants in the database run:

mykrobe variants dump-probes

 usage: mykrobe dump-probes [-h] [--db_name db_name] [-q] [--kmer kmer] [--force]

positional arguments:
  reference_filepath  reference_filepath

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --db_name db_name   db_name
  -q, --quiet         do not output warnings to stderr
  --kmer kmer         kmer length
  -v, --verbose 

 mykrobe variants dump-probes reference_set.fasta > variant_probe_set.fasta 

This will generate a probe set for each variant in the database. The resulting fasta file will look like the following:


Where you have a series of variants represented as a set of alleles. The reference allele followed by multiple alternate alleles. You will end up with multiple alternate alleles if there are other variants that fall within k of the target variant.

Each variant is referenced by a var_hash with is the hash of ":ref:pos:alt" which is indexed in the database and can be used to query for Variant object.

See mykrobe genotype to use these probes to genotype a new sample.

3. Building a custom probe set

mykrobe variants make-probes allows you to build a probe set using Variants that are not already in the database but using the population variation to produce multiple alleles per variant.

 usage: mykrobe variants  make-probes [-h] [--db_name db_name] [-q] [-v VARIANT] [-f FILE]
                         [-g GENBANK] [-k KMER] [--no-backgrounds]

positional arguments:
  reference_filepath    reference_filepath

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --db_name db_name     db_name
  -q, --quiet           do not output warnings to stderr
  -v VARIANT, --variant VARIANT
                        Variant in DNA positions e.g. A1234T
  -f FILE, --file FILE  File containing variants as rows A1234T
  -g GENBANK, --genbank GENBANK
                        Genbank file containing genes as features
  -k KMER, --kmer KMER  kmer length
  --no-backgrounds      Build probe set against reference only ignoring nearby
Build a variant probe set defined based on reference co-ordinates (1-based)

First, define your variants for which you want to build probes. Columns are

ref/gene pos ref alt alphabet

ref     2522798 G       T       DNA
ref     3785555 A       G       DNA
ref     839793  C       A       DNA
ref     2734398 C       G       DNA
ref     3230861 T       A       DNA
ref     1018694 A       T       DNA 

 mykrobe variants make-probes --db_name :db_name -f variants.txt ref.fa > variant_probe_set.fa 
Build a variant probe set defined based on gene co-ordinates (1-based)

You can also define your variants in terms of gene coordinates in amino acid or DNA space.

rpoB    S431X   PROT
rpoB    F425X   PROT
embB    M306X   PROT
rrs     C513X   DNA
gyrA    D94X    PROT
gid     P75L    PROT
gid     V88A    PROT
katG    S315X   PROT 

To do this you must provide a genbank file defining the position of the variants in the reference (-g (GENBANK) )

 mykrobe variants  make-probes --db_name :db_name -f aa_variants.txt -g  ref.fa> gene_variant_probe_set.fa 


Bradley, Phelim, et al. "Rapid antibiotic-resistance predictions from genome sequence data for Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis."Nature communications 6 (2015).

Please cite us if you use Mykrobe predictor in a publication


To run tests:

pip install tox

To run tests for a particular python version run, e.g. python 3.6:

tox -e py36
iqbal-lab commented 6 years ago

or some other thing

Phelimb commented 6 years ago

I agree, I'll move current README to a documentation service and simplify the README.

iqbal-lab commented 6 years ago

Ah I've realised this is still live and covers my other issue. I quite like the way gramtools readme is now v simple and redirects to clear wiki pages

iqbal-lab commented 5 years ago

This is still an issue. Maybe the front page should be just 5 lines saying this is the replacement for mykrobe predictor, and also will allow communicayion with Mykrobe atlas

mbhall88 commented 5 years ago

I like the idea of moving a lot of the CLI help menu stuff to a wiki and just have some basic usage examples in the README and link to the wiki full usage from the README

iqbal-lab commented 5 years ago

100% agree, this is too busy. i think almost just one basic commandline on front page, link to 3 different pages. one for makign your own panel, 1 for further CLI options, and one for mykrobe genotype. ok with you @Phelimb ?

Phelimb commented 5 years ago

👍 Yes, I agree. Will action soon.