Myndex / SAPC-APCA

APCA (Accessible Perceptual Contrast Algorithm) is a new method for predicting contrast for use in emerging web standards (WCAG 3) for determining readability contrast. APCA is derived form the SAPC (S-LUV Advanced Predictive Color) which is an accessibility-oriented color appearance model designed for self-illuminated displays.
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NPM package does not match the web contrast calculator #48

Closed TaigaYamada closed 2 years ago

TaigaYamada commented 2 years ago

Using the apca-w3 NPM package, version 0.0.98-g-4g.4b does not match the result calculated with the online contrast checker at

For example, the following code:

import { APCAcontrast, sRGBtoY } from 'apca-w3';
console.log(sRGBtoY([255, 151, 198, 1]));
console.log(sRGBtoY([113, 45, 68, 1]));
console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([255, 151, 198, 1]), sRGBtoY([113, 45, 68, 1])));



In contrast, in the tool at, Plugging in #ff97c6 as the text color and #852d44 as the background color results in: Y: 47.4748 for #ff97c6 Y: 7.28211 for #852d44 Contrast: -49.236

Is there any reason for this difference? Am I misunderstanding the use of the API?

Thank you in advance.

Myndex commented 2 years ago

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, looking into this now. I suspect the final scale adjustment is off in the npm, I'll get an answer for you asap.

TaigaYamada commented 2 years ago

I created a custom implementation of APCA in JavaScript, based off of the plain English explanation (and not the NPM code). Results seems to match the NPM package, not the web checker.

console.log(calcAPCAY({r:255, g:151 , b:198}));
console.log(calcAPCAY({r:113, g:45 , b:68}));
console.log(calcAPCAContrast({r:255, g:151 , b:198}, {r:113, g:45 , b:68}));



*Small difference in the value of contrast is because I used rounded value of Y.

Myndex commented 2 years ago

Hi @TaigaYamada I'm sorry you are having troubles. I am not finding a problem here.

Please don't use the SAPC site for a source for code — that is a live development site, not production, and there may be slight differences.

The canonical site is

Can you use the test values below, and tell me if you get these results please?

Also: are you developing in a language other than Javascript?


If you've implemented the code and want a quick check, Here are some keystone checks with no rounding. The first color is TEXT and the second color is BACKGROUND:

Test Values for the 0.0.98G 4g constants, normal and reverse float values for each color pair.
First number is TEXT second number is BACKGROUND.

    TEXT vs BKGND •  EXPECTED RESULT for 0.0.98 G-4g

    #888 vs #fff  •  63.056469930209424
    #fff vs #888  • -68.54146436644962  

    #000 vs #aaa  •  58.146262578561334
    #aaa vs #000  • -56.24113336839742

    #123 vs #def  •  91.66830811481631
    #def vs #123  • -93.06770049484275

    #123 vs #234  •   1.7512243099356113
    #234 vs #123  •  -1.6349191031377903

These exercise all the important constants.

Thank you!!


TaigaYamada commented 2 years ago

I am so sorry. turns out, it was a typo...

in the first comment, I'm checking the color {r:113, g:45 , b:68} as the second color. However, converting #852d44 to rgb is {r:133, g:45 , b:68}. Red is 133, not 113.

It took me a while to notice this.

I'll leave the result of the checking I did below.

Thank you so much.

I just checked the 8 given pairs in my custom implementation. The result all checks out. The custom implementation seems to be working properly.

console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 136, g : 136, b : 136 }, { r : 255, g : 255, b : 255 }));
console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 255, g : 255, b : 255 }, { r : 136, g : 136, b : 136 }));

console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 0, g : 0, b : 0 }, { r : 170, g : 170, b : 170 }));
console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 170, g : 170, b : 170 }, { r : 0, g : 0, b : 0 }));

console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 17, g : 34, b : 51 }, { r : 221, g : 238, b : 255 }));
console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 221, g : 238, b : 255 }, { r : 17, g : 34, b : 51 }));

console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 17, g : 34, b : 51 }, { r : 34, g : 51, b : 68 }));
console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 34, g : 51, b : 68 }, { r : 17, g : 34, b : 51 }));



I also decided to check all the pairs with the NPM package. Here, the last 2 pairs returned 0 for some reason, but otherwise it's all fine.

console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([136, 136, 136, 1]), sRGBtoY([255, 255, 255, 1])));
console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([255, 255, 255, 1]), sRGBtoY([136, 136, 136, 1])));

console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([0, 0, 0, 1]), sRGBtoY([170, 170, 170, 1])));
console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([170, 170, 170, 1]), sRGBtoY([0, 0, 0, 1])));

console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([17, 34, 51, 1]), sRGBtoY([221, 238, 255, 1])));
console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([221, 238, 255, 1]), sRGBtoY([17, 34, 51, 1])));

console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([17, 34, 51, 1]), sRGBtoY([34, 51, 68, 1])));
console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([34, 51, 68, 1]), sRGBtoY([17, 34, 51, 1])));



In the comparison of #ff97c6 and #852d44:.

console.log(APCAcontrast(sRGBtoY([255, 151, 198, 1]), sRGBtoY([133, 45, 68, 1]))); \\ NPM package
console.log(calcAPCAContrast({ r : 255, g : 151, b : 198 }, { r : 133, g : 45, b : 68 })); \\ Custom implementation


Myndex commented 2 years ago

Hi @TaigaYamada Oh good, all looks good now.

Yes, 123 to 234 will return 0 on apca-w3, this is intentional as LC under ~8 are clamped to zero in that code version. The next version (probably later today) will have a test html page that exercises that using #123 and 444 and the returns are:

    #123 vs #444  •   8.32326136957393
    #234 vs #444  •  -7.526878460278154

Thank you!
