Myra-Security-GmbH / terraform-provider-myrasec

Myra Security Terraform provider
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plan/apply on myrasec_error_page ressources always detects changes #99

Closed lzahorka closed 1 year ago

lzahorka commented 1 year ago

current situation:

Hey there! We are using the myrasec_error_page terraform ressources to provision our statuspages. We are following the official documentation.

Iam not happy that terraform always detects changes the myrasec_error_page even when there are no changes and the ressources are in sync.

Here is a code example of one error page:

resource "myrasec_error_page" "www_504" {

  subdomain_name =

  error_code = 504
  content    = file("${path.module}/error_pages/50x.html")

Any time we want to apply or plan changes to other ressources in our modules, Terraform detects changes to the content in the myrasec_error_page ressources and updates them when applying. This is quite annoying because large html files will generate an enormous plan output and you can not see your relevant changes anymore.

desired situation: It would be nice when terraform can correctly determine wheter there are changes to the html of an myrasec_error_page or not. So that the plan will not get confusing due to large html files

smashi commented 1 year ago

Hi @lzahorka, thanks for your request. We will check this issue and inform you when this is fixed. BR Tim

smashi commented 1 year ago

Hi @lzahorka, we released a new version where error pages are not always shown as changed. BR Tim

lzahorka commented 1 year ago

Hey @smashi, thank you for the fix. I have tested the new release 1.58.0 and things are looking very good for me. I appreciate your fast response!

BR Lukas