Myriad-Dreamin / tinymist

Tinymist [ˈtaɪni mɪst] is an integrated language service for Typst [taɪpst].
Apache License 2.0
710 stars 30 forks source link

Inverse search/sync fails when using Touying or Polylux to make slides #737

Open xiaoweiz opened 15 hours ago

xiaoweiz commented 15 hours ago

Describe the bug The inverse search/sync (from preview to code) fails when using Touying or Polylux to make slides.

The forward search/sync (from code to preview) is fine.

#import "@preview/touying:0.5.3": *
#import themes.simple: *

#show: simple-theme.with(aspect-ratio: "16-9")

= Title

== First Slide

Hello, Touying!


Hello, Typst!

However, the following scenarios are OK:

  1. Using the same Touying or Polylux code in Typst's official online editor
  2. Writing a normal text in VSCode with tinymist

The following is the language server output:

[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist] tinymist LSP version information: [["Build Timestamp", "2024-10-19T17:12:03.217404000Z"], ["Build Git Describe", "v0.12.0"], ["Commit SHA", "4437b3bffb5f01f06bd64e4e424480ba72a88619"], ["Commit Date", "None"], ["Commit Branch", "None"], ["Cargo Target Triple", "aarch64-apple-darwin"], ["Typst Version", "0.12.0"], ["Typst Source", "git+"]]
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist] starting LSP server: LspArgs {
        mirror: MirrorArgs {
            mirror: "",
            replay: "",
        font: CompileFontArgs {
            font_paths: [],
            ignore_system_fonts: false,
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling initialize - (0) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 817631541 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "dragAndDrop": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "onEnterEvent": Bool(true), "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "preview": Object {"cursorIndicator": Bool(false), "fontPaths": Array [], "invertColors": Null, "partialRendering": Bool(true), "pinPreviewFile": Bool(false), "refresh": String("onType"), "scrollSync": String("onSelectionChangeByMouse"), "sysInputs": Object {}, "systemFonts": Bool(true)}, "previewFeature": String("enable"), "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "showExportFileIn": Null, "systemFonts": Bool(true), "trace": Object {"server": String("off")}, "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::server] LanguageState: initialized with config Config { const_config: ConstConfig { position_encoding: Utf16, cfg_change_registration: true, notify_will_rename_files: true, tokens_dynamic_registration: true, tokens_overlapping_token_support: false, tokens_multiline_token_support: false, doc_line_folding_only: true, doc_fmt_dynamic_registration: true }, compile: CompileConfig { roots: [], output_path: PathPattern(""), export_pdf: Never, root_path: None, font_opts: CompileFontArgs { font_paths: [], ignore_system_fonts: false }, system_fonts: Some(true), font_paths: [], fonts: OnceCell(Uninit), notify_status: true, periscope_args: None, typst_extra_args: Some(CompileExtraOpts { root_dir: None, entry: None, inputs: {}, font: CompileFontArgs { font_paths: [], ignore_system_fonts: false }, creation_timestamp: None, cert: None }), preferred_theme: Some("light"), has_default_entry_path: false, lsp_inputs: {"x-preview": "{\"version\":1,\"theme\":\"light\"}"} }, semantic_tokens: Enable, formatter_mode: Disable, formatter_print_width: Some(120) }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor] TypstActor: creating server for primary, entry: EntryState { rooted: false, root: None, main: None }, inputs: {"x-preview": "{\"version\":1,\"theme\":\"light\"}"}
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::init] creating SharedFontResolver with CompileFontArgs { font_paths: [], ignore_system_fonts: false }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  initialize - (0) in 1.14ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifying initialized - at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 851104083 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::server] server initialized
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifing initialized succeeded in 7.21ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (1) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 858327166 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (1) in 1.37ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifying textDocument/didOpen - at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 859706875 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::server] did open Url { scheme: "file", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: None, port: None, path: "/Users/xiaoweiz/Downloads/test.typ", query: None, fragment: None }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::server] create source: "/Users/xiaoweiz/Downloads/test.typ"
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::typ_client] the entry file of TypstActor(primary) is changing to EntryState { rooted: true, root: Some("/Users/xiaoweiz/Downloads"), main: Some(/test.typ) }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::server] file focused[implicit,o]: Some("/Users/xiaoweiz/Downloads/test.typ")
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifing textDocument/didOpen succeeded in 82.46µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (2) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 862564416 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::cmd] first manual focusing is coming
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (2) in 43.29µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (3) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 959172375 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (3) in 520.54µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (4) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 967458708 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentLink - (5) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 967527375 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentColor - (6) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 967903500 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/inlayHint - (7) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 967927500 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 994471916 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z WARN  sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifying $/cancelRequest - at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 994948666 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z WARN  sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/cancelRequest
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (8) at Instant { tv_sec: 108130, tv_nsec: 995331708 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentLink - (9) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 126182291 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/foldingRange - (10) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 160836291 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 24.042µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/foldingRange - (10) in 162.08µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentSymbol - (11) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 171305250 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 10.583µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentSymbol - (11) in 73.08µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) Compiling
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (4) in 243.47ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentColor - (6) in 243.05ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentLink - (9) in 84.78ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentLink - (5) in 243.45ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (8) in 215.65ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 16.291µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received diagnostics from primary:4: diag(Some(0))
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) CompileSuccess
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 6.5µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 18.959µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::task::cache] CacheEvictTask: evict cache in 90.917µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 1.622209ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 929.375µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 161.25µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 483.625µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 77.334µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 340.333µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 227.584µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 8µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 32.666µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 140.541µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 191.5µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 252.083µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 230.917µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 235.083µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 282.833µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::analysis::tyck] Type checking on @preview/touying:0.5.3/src/exports.typ took 792ns
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) Compiling
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received diagnostics from primary:5: diag(Some(0))
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) CompileSuccess
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist::task::cache] CacheEvictTask: evict cache in 49.375µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::analysis::tyck] Type checking on @preview/touying:0.5.3/src/core.typ took 4.675ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::analysis::tyck] Type checking on @preview/touying:0.5.3/src/configs.typ took 13.000416ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::analysis::tyck] Type checking on @preview/touying:0.5.3/src/slides.typ took 210.583µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::analysis::tyck] Type checking on @preview/touying:0.5.3/themes/simple.typ took 13.953708ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  tinymist_query::analysis::tyck] Type checking on /test.typ took 13.995875ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/inlayHint - (7) in 281.55ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentLink - (12) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 363298541 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentLink - (12) in 130.92µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (13) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 399271458 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (13) in 158.00µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/semanticTokens/full - (14) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 417445625 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/semanticTokens/full - (14) in 83.96µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeLens - (15) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 428893000 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeLens - (15) in 117.25µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (16) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 476038541 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentLink - (17) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 476071916 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentColor - (18) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 476104125 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (16) in 94.63µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentLink - (17) in 96.08µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentColor - (18) in 100.63µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/foldingRange - (19) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 674348583 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 27.25µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/foldingRange - (19) in 64.42µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentSymbol - (20) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 773724916 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 12.917µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentSymbol - (20) in 66.46µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/inlayHint - (21) at Instant { tv_sec: 108131, tv_nsec: 834794791 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/inlayHint - (21) in 101.46µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (22) at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 212358291 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::tool::preview] PreviewTask(lv8): arguments: PreviewCliArgs {
        preview: PreviewArgs {
            enable_partial_rendering: true,
            invert_colors: "never",
            task_id: "lv8",
            refresh_style: OnType,
        compile: CompileOnceArgs {
            input: Some(
            root: None,
            inputs: [],
            font: CompileFontArgs {
                font_paths: [],
                ignore_system_fonts: false,
            creation_timestamp: None,
            certification: None,
        preview_mode: Document,
        data_plane_host: "",
        control_plane_host: "",
        static_file_host: "",
        not_as_primary: false,
        dont_open_in_browser: false,
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  typst_preview] Previewer: typst actor spawned
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  typst_preview] Previewer: editor actor spawned
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::typst] TypstActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::tool::preview] preview server listening on
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::tool::preview] PreviewTask(lv8): preview server listening on:
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (22) in 2.51ms
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) Compiling
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received diagnostics from primary:6: diag(Some(0))
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) CompileSuccess
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  tinymist::task::cache] CacheEvictTask: evict cache in 79.667µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (23) at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 254275208 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (23) in 17.08µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: received message: RenderFullLatest
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: has_full_render: true
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: sending outline
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/inlayHint - (24) at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 426840208 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/inlayHint - (24) in 59.04µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifying $/setTrace - at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 793885750 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z WARN  sync_lsp] unhandled notification: $/setTrace
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifying workspace/didChangeConfiguration - at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 793905375 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] notifing workspace/didChangeConfiguration succeeded in 32.63µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  tinymist::init] preferred theme: Some("light") {"compileStatus": String("enable"), "exportPdf": String("never"), "fontPaths": Null, "formatterMode": String("disable"), "formatterPrintWidth": Number(120), "hoverPeriscope": Null, "outputPath": String(""), "preferredTheme": String("light"), "rootPath": Null, "semanticTokens": String("enable"), "systemFonts": Bool(true), "typstExtraArgs": Array []}
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  tinymist::server] new settings applied
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentSymbol - (25) at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 796033833 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  tinymist_query::syntax::lexical_hierarchy] lexical hierarchy analysis took 18µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentSymbol - (25) in 82.83µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (26) at Instant { tv_sec: 108132, tv_nsec: 798727916 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:36Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (26) in 292.83µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:38Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/inlayHint - (27) at Instant { tv_sec: 108134, tv_nsec: 791534166 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:38Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/inlayHint - (27) in 78.96µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:40Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (28) at Instant { tv_sec: 108137, tv_nsec: 20787708 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:40Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (28) in 16.63µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:42Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (29) at Instant { tv_sec: 108139, tv_nsec: 540702708 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:42Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (29) in 45.75µs
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z INFO  typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: resolving span: [ElementPoint { kind: 4, index: 2, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 1, index: 0, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 1, index: 2, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 0, index: 2, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 5, index: 8, fingerprint: "" }]
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: received message: ResolveSpan(ResolveSpanRequest([ElementPoint { kind: 4, index: 2, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 1, index: 0, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 1, index: 2, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 0, index: 2, fingerprint: "" }, ElementPoint { kind: 5, index: 8, fingerprint: "" }]))
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: sending outline
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] OutlineRenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z INFO  typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: failed to resolve span: not found: with []
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: has_full_render: false
[2024-10-27T14:04:50Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::render] RenderActor: waiting for message
[2024-10-27T14:04:55Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (30) at Instant { tv_sec: 108151, tv_nsec: 819442791 }
[2024-10-27T14:04:55Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (30) in 50.29µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (31) at Instant { tv_sec: 108190, tv_nsec: 947315791 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (31) in 58.88µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (32) at Instant { tv_sec: 108190, tv_nsec: 961772708 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (32) in 53.67µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::editor] EditorActor: received message from editor: SrcToDocJumpRequest { filepath: "/Users/xiaoweiz/Downloads/test.typ", line: 11, character: 6 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z DEBUG typst_preview::actor::typst] TypstActor: processing src2doc: SrcToDocJumpRequest { filepath: "/Users/xiaoweiz/Downloads/test.typ", line: 11, character: 6 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::editor] received status request(primary) Compiling
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  tinymist::actor::typ_client] TypstActor: already notified for revision 6 <= 6
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentHighlight - (33) at Instant { tv_sec: 108190, tv_nsec: 972019208 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentHighlight - (33) in 113.96µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentHighlight - (34) at Instant { tv_sec: 108190, tv_nsec: 973296083 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentHighlight - (34) in 130.33µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeLens - (35) at Instant { tv_sec: 108191, tv_nsec: 209102208 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeLens - (35) in 109.25µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (36) at Instant { tv_sec: 108191, tv_nsec: 435778583 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (36) in 253.71µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentHighlight - (37) at Instant { tv_sec: 108191, tv_nsec: 614423583 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:34Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentHighlight - (37) in 217.42µs
[2024-10-27T14:05:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeAction - (38) at Instant { tv_sec: 108191, tv_nsec: 855535916 }
[2024-10-27T14:05:35Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeAction - (38) in 164.00µs
[2024-10-27T14:06:21Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/documentHighlight - (39) at Instant { tv_sec: 108238, tv_nsec: 453550875 }
[2024-10-27T14:06:21Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/documentHighlight - (39) in 407.50µs
[2024-10-27T14:06:21Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling textDocument/codeLens - (40) at Instant { tv_sec: 108238, tv_nsec: 641160750 }
[2024-10-27T14:06:21Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  textDocument/codeLens - (40) in 159.17µs
[2024-10-27T14:06:23Z INFO  sync_lsp] handling workspace/executeCommand - (41) at Instant { tv_sec: 108239, tv_nsec: 893074375 }
[2024-10-27T14:06:23Z INFO  sync_lsp] handled  workspace/executeCommand - (41) in 53.50µs

Package/Software version:

tinymist extension version: v0.12.0. Get it by tinymist --version in terminal.

Build Timestamp:     2024-10-19T17:12:03.217404000
Build Git Describe:  v0.12.
Commit SHA:          4437b3bffb5f01f06bd64e4e424480ba72a88619
Commit Date:         None
Commit Branch:       None
Cargo Target Triple: aarch64-apple-darwin
Typst Version:       0.12.0
xiaoweiz commented 14 hours ago

Just checked. The issue didn't exist in version 0.11.32.

gamagan commented 13 hours ago

If by reverse sync you mean clicking on the preview window to scroll the code window, can you tell me how to enable that feature. I came looking for that.

Myriad-Dreamin commented 4 hours ago

Possibly related:

You can install the extension built in the related GitHub Action page to check it.