Myriad-Dreamin / typst.ts

Run Typst in JavaScriptWorld.
Apache License 2.0
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Implement a remark plugin to embed typst in markdown documents #505

Open quank123wip opened 3 months ago

quank123wip commented 3 months ago

Since several markdown renders supports using MathJax or KaTeX to render math contents, it's a good idea to make typst an alternative option.

And, of course, markdown-it is a good option too, but I'm not going to work on it.😮‍💨

I'm going to work on this months later, just regard this issue as a reminder here. Of course, volunteers are welcomed.

Myriad-Dreamin commented 3 months ago

You can check it, which renders typst math block in HTML.

Enter-tainer commented 3 months ago

combine remark-math and rehype-typst you can already do that. Demo here

Loosetooth commented 3 months ago

I was going to try the rehype-typst package, but I can't install it.

Is it published on npm?

I was also trying to install it directly from the git repo, but I couldn't immediately figure out how to install a package from a subfolder of a git repo.

EDIT: I used this app to install rehype-typst from a subfolder of this git repo: Add the following url in the app:

Myriad-Dreamin commented 3 months ago

I was going to try the rehype-typst package, but I can't install it.

Is it published on npm?

I was also trying to install it directly from the git repo, but I couldn't immediately figure out how to install a package from a subfolder of a git repo.

EDIT: I used this app to install rehype-typst from a subfolder of this git repo: Add the following url in the app:

It's my missing that it is not published. I'll test it again and publish it then in this week.