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Sui, a next-generation smart contract platform with high throughput, low latency, and an asset-oriented programming model powered by the Move programming language
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[pick][GraphQL] Object DataLoader (#17332) #18384

Closed wlmyng closed 4 days ago

wlmyng commented 4 days ago

Implement data loaders for fetching historical object versions, objects bounded by their parent versions, and the latest versions of an object at a given checkpoint.

By implementing an Object DataLoader, we also implicitly get support for data-loading all derived types (MoveObject, MovePackage, MoveModule, DynamicField, Coin, etc).

These implementations (particularly historical queries and queries where the version can be bounded by a parent version) can be made even more efficient with the existence of an index/side table that maps an object's ID and version to the checkpoint it is part of. This change has not been included in this PR, but we will follow up on this as part of Object query benchmarking.

As part of this change, I enabled queries for historical objects outside the available range. Later (with the use of an obj_version index) it will also be possible to enable dynamic field look-ups on historical objects as well.

sui$ cargo nextest run -p sui-graphql-rpc
sui$ cargo nextest run -p sui-graphql-e2e-tests --features pg_integration

Run the following query -- after this change, it takes about 8s to complete on the server, fetching about 80 objects, while previously it would either timeout or squeak in just under the 40s timeout. I expect this number to improve further once we have an efficient way to map object ids and versions to a checkpoint sequence number.

query {
  transactionBlocks(last: 5) {
    nodes {
      effects {
        objectChanges(first: 50) {
          pageInfo { hasNextPage }
          nodes {
            inputState { asMoveObject { contents { json } } }
            outputState { asMoveObject { contents { json } } }

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vercel[bot] commented 4 days ago

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