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"sui start" panic (main branch 1.29) #18468

Closed mario4tier closed 1 day ago

mario4tier commented 3 days ago

Steps to Reproduce Issue

(1) Build sui binary from main branch (currently 1.29.0-f6f2584c5072 )

(2) env RUST_LOG=error sui start --network.config /home/olet/suibase/workdirs/localnet/config/network.yaml

network.yaml is attached ( network.yaml.txt )

Expected Result

"sui start" to normally start and keep running.

Actual Result

A panic image

This problem is not happening with devnet branch 1.28.1 (and many older versions).

The error message shows a path that includes the file "network.yaml" which is not a directory (it is the file specified with --network-config), could this be the problem?

System Information

ubuntu, rustc 1.75

Tests with 1.29 is my own cargo build, while 1.28.1 was the precompiled Mysten binaries ( sui-devnet-v1.28.1-ubuntu-x86_64.tgz )

stefan-mysten commented 3 days ago

Thanks for reporting this. I've made some changes to sui start that might be causing this. I'll look into it now, but would help me to know:

If you do not have anything sensitive in that folder, could you show me the structure of it?

mario4tier commented 3 days ago

When testing, my script delete and regenerate "everything" from scratch. So in the case of testing 1.29, it does not reach the point of creating full_node_db.

(1) The blob is in /home/olet/suibase/workdirs/localnet/config


(2) Will follow up in a few minutes about where full_node_db is created when testing with 1.28.1

stefan-mysten commented 3 days ago

I see, in this case, I think you might just get away with passing the folder instead of the actual network file sui start --network.config ~/suibase/workdirs/localnet/config.

stefan-mysten commented 3 days ago

But I will fix it asap so that it accepts the network.yaml config file as it used to.

mario4tier commented 3 days ago

Thanks. No rush to fix for me... as long it works as used to in devnet/testnet branch :smile:

Just FYI, specifying just the directory did not work: image

mario4tier commented 3 days ago

Going on a tangent about full_node_db (can create another issue as needed?)

With 1.28.1, it is created in ~/.sui/sui_config ( it might have always work that way and never noticed).

This is inconsistent with all the rest being created in ~/suibase/workdirs/localnet/config


stefan-mysten commented 3 days ago

Thanks for the detailed info! I'll try to put up a fix today.

mario4tier commented 3 days ago

More info related to full_node_db: image

stefan-mysten commented 3 days ago

thanks @mario4tier. I am not fully sure how suibase does stuff, particularly, why it creates another config-default folder to store the DBs.

I have a PR up that should fix the issue you have. If you have a chance to build the sui binary from that branch and try it locally, let me know if you still encounter issues.

Thanks for your patience here!

mario4tier commented 3 days ago

It works (tested with latest 1.29 main branch + changes to


About DBs location One key design choice for Suibase is to not interfere with the Mysten Labs official installation. So the Suibase localnet should not depend or even "touch" ~/.sui

That design allows to support a distinct set of binaries/repos/config/keystore for each network. The users/app can then operate localnet/devnet/testnet/mainnet concurrently... there is no "switch env" for Suibase users.

To keep things clean, all files related to a network are kept in a single place (e.g. ~/suibase/workdirs/testnet). full_node_db is the only exception right now...

I tried to modify the fullnode.yaml with an absolute path like done in network.yaml, but it did not work (still created in ~/.sui/sui_config ).

In short, ideally, Suibase would benefit from being able to specify the full_node_db path (but it is not breaking anything right now).