I really like this app, very easy to use and I found you on GBATemp which is always great for finding stuff like this. I use this as I travel a lot for work and leave my computer on and RDP into it from my phone from afar and add stuff I want as I go place. Issue is, I am getting constant port scans and I am worried they theyre eventually going to find a way into the main system with this running. For that reason I am wondering if I can add password protection, or if its only possible through configuring the windows http server
I really like this app, very easy to use and I found you on GBATemp which is always great for finding stuff like this. I use this as I travel a lot for work and leave my computer on and RDP into it from my phone from afar and add stuff I want as I go place. Issue is, I am getting constant port scans and I am worried they theyre eventually going to find a way into the main system with this running. For that reason I am wondering if I can add password protection, or if its only possible through configuring the windows http server
I really appreciate you and any help