Mysterie / uncompyle2

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Support for 2.6 .pyc file ? #20

Closed Phil242 closed 10 years ago

Phil242 commented 10 years ago


Just tried to uncompile a 2.6 .pyc file and it said me that only 2.7 is supported. The tool is ran under python 2.7 env.

Here is the "suspect" code found : if version != '2.7': raise ImportError, "This is a Python %s file! Only Python 2.7 files are supported." % version

print version

The "magic" of my 2.6 .pyc file is found, but the code upper doesn't handle it.

Is the support for 2.6 abandoned ? Or, should I force the feature to translate the bytecode to 2.7, than decompyle it ?



Mysterie commented 10 years ago


Yes this tool only work on a python 2.7 environment. But it can uncompyle 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 PYC.

Where did you find this "suspect" code?

I didn't have a "if version != '2.7':" in my code.

but instead :

Did you git clone my project ? Where did you find this suspect code ?

SuperVirus commented 10 years ago

I think he used wibiti uncompyle2 fork. In is exactly this error message...

Phil242 commented 10 years ago

SuperVirus got it : wrong download. I was on a clone, sorry for the noise ... GitHub is really confusing on this point. BTW : after installing your version, it works like a charm ! thx for this useful tool ;).