Mysterious-Owl / color-identification

This program identifies the color of the pixel where mouse cursor is present.
13 stars 0 forks source link

โค the screenshot in your readme.... have never seen someone intentionally set a bad theme ๐Ÿ˜‚ #2

Open PySimpleGUI opened 3 years ago

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

What a find!

I was really surprised to see that you will do detections constantly if the mouse button is held and then dragged. Maybe consider adding a GIF file to your readme?


Did you see the Demo Program that contains color names? I dunno if it would be of any help to you. Just throwing it out there in case you find it interesting.

Thanks for the entertainment and for using PySimpleGUI for yet another interesting project. Nice job!

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

I noticed you used an import that doesn't follow the suggested naming of sg. Normally the import is written:

import PySimpleGUI as sg

Not a big deal of course.

Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

Adding the GIF is a brilliant idea, I will remember it for next time too.๐Ÿคฉ Setting a wrong name for theme is kind of my style now, getting random theme every time, is great than having same colors. I saw the demo programs, I read most of them ๐Ÿค“, truly helpful.

I imported it as camel case just because PyCharm was showing that I should, so I thought maybe that is a norm and I changed it. I'll remember next time.

Thanks for appreciation and suggestion ๐Ÿ˜Š. I'm glad that the owner of the library that I used read my code. I am feeling very proud.

Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

You can also see one more of my repo Moodle I used PySimpleGui in much broad way

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

Wow! Your Moodle repo is FILLED with so many PySimpleGUI windows! What a treat to see... I'm as proud about seeing your work as you are by getting a message from me.


It's an honor, a thrill, so rewarding to see the creations that are being posted using PySimpleGUI. The PySimpleGUI code was supposed to be "throw-away" code that was used as a part of building a bigger program. You never know where your ideas and imagination may lead unless you follow them.

Love what you're doing, how engaged and inventive you are. The more you build, the more you learn. I've always learned by building stuff and it looks like you do too. Thank you for the tour!! Highly motivating to see what you've made.

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

I noticed in your Moodle repo that you're using "config" files. I didn't have the time to really look into all the stuff you're doing (you're quite productive!)

One of the additions this year that I've been using a LOT in larger programs and within PySimpleGUI itself is a set of APIs that are for "User Settings". These APIs are a simplified use of JSON files. The data is stored in JSON files. You could access them directly using the JSON package if you wanted, but they are easier to access using the calls provided by PySimpleGUI (in theory).

I added these APIs because it seems like having a permanent configuration (i.e. settings) is often part of a GUI program. They were becoming a part of my GUI programs. One of the ways PySimpleGUI is grown, expanded, evolved has been by seeing what other users are making or by what I'm making.

So, I took the "make stuff simple" one step further this year by adding simplified access to:

In my head, the vision has been of someone entirely new to programming and the kinds of problems they may frequently encounter. While they can (and likely will) learn about all of these areas, I wanted these users to not have their progress slowed as they learned the specifics of these technologies. If someone has 2 months of programming knowledge, it's hard to add on all these other packages.

So, I made a simplified set of interfaces with the hope that they're trivial to use and fit together easily with PySimpleGUI. The settings can be used directly in the layout definition without any additional setup for example. If a setting is updated, the JSON file is automatically updated and immediately saved. No loading or saving calls are needed by the user.

Anyway... sorry to have written WAY too much... the point was that maybe you might like some of these other PySimpleGUI APIs. They work just as well as other packages and are shorter in length. I'm lazy so while I know how to use JSON files, it's easier to use these simplified calls instead.

Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

I'm highly motivated by your comments. I will pin this issue and even put it's link in my moodle repo, such appreciation by you. I'll proudly say I have 1 issue๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž. Learning by doing, is the only way I know to learn, easiest and interesting way to learn anything. Today I got to know that we can react to comments too.๐Ÿ˜ฎ

I will surely look into this API, I was thinking to change the way I store data already. Thanks for looking into it and recommending it. Don't be sorry for writing too much, if knowledge would have been short, it wouldn't have been that intriguing and fun to read. ๐Ÿง Thanks for appreciation and boosting self-confidence :)

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

I'm highly motivated by your comments.


You know.... I've got a theory about motivation on this project. It's a feedback loop. I feel exactly the same way about your comments.... "highly motivated" is exactly how I would describe the feeling I get.

Learning by doing, is the only way I know to learn, easiest and interesting way to learn anything.

Totally with you! It's the only way it's worked for me. I need a goal, a purpose, a reason. Having this is all that's required to start a journey. I want to build a __________________ is pretty much where I always start.

Come post screenshots in Issue #10 every now and then on the PySimpleGUI repo... or post your repos in the PySimpleGUI Wiki!

GitHub reports 3,000 public repos are using PySimpleGUI but you wouldn't know it by the Wiki entries. You've got a lot of stuff to show off. I'm sure it would motivate even more users if your creative output were visible to more people. Hmmmm... need to think of why more aren't there and if anything can be done to improve the situation.


Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

Nice theory, gotta remember it and implement it to someone else to motivate them....๐Ÿ˜‡ Every great thing just need a start and now we know that where to start, we are gonna build something amazing for sure.

I will post my screenshots for sure.๐Ÿ‘€

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

Every great thing just need a start

Just need a start....

Then follow where it takes you.

You may not end up where you had planned. I had no plans of building an Open Source project. It was not something I had ever thought of trying. I was building another product and a bi-product of that product turned out to be PySimpleGUI.

So, @Mysterious-Owl , build your dreams! See where they take you.

I learned a new quote over the weekend from a guy named Victor Frankl.

โ€œDonโ€™t aim at success. The more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of oneโ€™s personal dedication to a cause greater.โ€ โ€” Viktor Frankl

This is a concept that's perhaps not obvious, but it's one I'm living and finding to be true. Happiness is an "unintended side effect".

You seem quite happy with what you've made, with our conversation, and I'm very happy because of this too! Neither of us is trying to "be happy" but rather we're "being happy".

Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

You may not end up where you had planned. I had no plans of building an Open Source project. It was not something I had ever thought of trying. I was building another product and a bi-product of that product turned out to be PySimpleGUI.

On this I would to quote

I may not have ended up where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.

That's what I am doing with my life right now, just going with the flow and see where it lands up. For me happiness is like constant, there is always something to be happy about, all we need is to change the perception.

When something bad happens, just close your eyes and shake your head and say change. Works every time...๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I am happy with my code as its attending my college instead of me๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚, its 100% attendance without attending single lecture. Who wont get happy after getting appreciated from other side of the world๐Ÿ˜Œ.

May this happiness cherish ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

Sorry about my maybe overly serious and philosophical comment! I wasn't meaning to go there, but it's a concept I had just learned and I get a bit overly excited and maybe over share too.

It's fantastic to hear about how you live, life, find happiness, and have a wonderful and positive attitude! See.... you're very helpful and motivating to me!

Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

Nothing to be sorry about, I took and replied everything in positive sense. Just chill bro.

See.... you're very helpful and motivating to me!

Just returning the favor ๐Ÿ˜‰!! Just pass this to someone else and let the chain go on..๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

PySimpleGUI commented 3 years ago

Just chill bro.

The best advice I've gotten so far today.

Let the chain go on indeed!

I've shown this thread to a number of people to describe the kinds of interactions on having with programmers and how special it is. You can't buy these kinds of interactions. Thank you for the great conversation... and of course the motivational boost.

Mysterious-Owl commented 3 years ago

You can't buy these kinds of interactions

Indeed money can't solve everything, just open your heart and accept the world and each you will see wonders, new problems everyday.

Thank you for the great conversation... and of course the motivational boost.

Same goes from my side and also you know I never thought to make this repo as the code is simple and this was specially for one internship program, that was conducted online, where everyone was using the same code and here did I little different (added GUI and some changes), and see the amazing results, I am conversing with you. I never thought that this is possible, as for me a student who is still in college. THIS IS PHENOMENAL