MysticCity / Ancient
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playsound command #133

Open MysticCity opened 9 years ago

MysticCity commented 9 years ago

Similar to the PlayEffect command, I want a method for using PlaySound that will play a sound that everyone in an area can hear.

This will function similar to the "/playsound" command in minecraft, however this will play at positions for all players to hear, not just a specific player.

In the Spellmaker it would look like:

[PlaySound] [Location ] [Sound ] [Volume ] [Pitch ]

In the .spell file it would look like:

Playsound, , , ,


Playsound, Player, random.drink, 10, 1.0 Playsound, (GetProjectileHitLocation), random.burp, 10, 1.2

Alternatively, a "Radius" variable could be added after the "Location" variable, so only players within that Radius can hear it. Radius 0 could be just that player. In which case, it would look like this:

Playsound, , , , ,

Playsound, Player, 0, random.drink, 10, 1.0 Playsound, (GetProjectileHitLocation), 10, random.burp, 10, 1.2

Er will also den playeffekt erweitern das man etwas genauer sachen angeben kann, ist also ein feature request für SPÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄTER mal

FroznMine commented 9 years ago

Sieht nett aus :D Kann man mal machen, aber wenn erst, wenn umgeschrieben. Sonst muss ich mich da erst wieder einlesen^^

MysticCity commented 9 years ago