Closed jwagner77 closed 4 years ago
Are you referring to the upgrade script or the install script?
I'm going to assume you're talking about the upgrade script since you've already got a guac-properties file...
Run this:
grep -oP 'mysql-hostname:\K.*' /etc/guacamole/ | awk '{print $1}'
What does it give back?
Yes, sorry, I am trying to use the upgrade script. Running the command you gave me prints out the IP of the remote database server.
Running that same command and changing the 'mysql-hostname' to port, database, username, and password all prints out the correct info.
Do you know at what point the script fails??
Here are all of the times it calls mysql:
mysql -u root -D ${guacDb} -h ${mysqlHost} -P ${mysqlPort} -e"quit" || exit 1
mysql -u root -D ${guacDb} -h ${mysqlHost} -P ${mysqlPort} -e"quit" && break
mysql -u root -D ${guacDb} -h ${mysqlHost} -P ${mysqlPort} < guacamole-auth-jdbc-${GUACVERSION}/mysql/schema/upgrade/${FILE}
Unless your password is wrong, or something isn't working with the -h
there, I'm not sure what or why it would try to login to the local instance...
I am not completely sure, but it looks like the script is defaulting to use root for mysql as it prompts for the MySQL Root Password when I run the script. I commented out the part of the script where it would prompt for the Root password and it looks like it ran successfully. I am reviewing the system still to confirm but there are now 1.1.0 plugins installed so at least part of it ran.
Yes, the script asks for and expects the root account/password.
If you don't want to use the root, but instead another authorized account, you'll have to edit accordingly.
I will see about adding the functionality to not use root when I feel like tinkering...
I have MySQL installed on a seperate Ubuntu 18.04 server. Guac-Properties points to the remote server, but the script only prompts for the MySQL Root Password and then tries to login to a MySQL instance on the local host. I have tried different tags but none have let me bypass this issue and connect to the remote database for updating.