Mystro256 / wiisxr

Fork of wiisx, a gamecube/wii/wii U psx emulator
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Wiisxr issue list. #13

Open Orvis25 opened 8 years ago

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

I do not know if these help make the program better, but here is a list of issued i am having with the current version you have available.

Out of a about 15 games i currently play, two are giving me hell. Vigilante 8 and Vigilante 8 second offence.

Vigilante 8 loads up, and has pretty fine visual, but the music plays all messed up, and in adition there is some lagging going on

Vigalante 8 Second offense crashes the system to a dump file.

Other issues i am having:

I have my roms and save folder on a USB HDD. When i set my bios to load form usb, and all my other setting, I hit save settings. But when i try to exit Wiisxr my wii just closes the app, and remains on a black screen (power button stays green) never going back to wii main menu. So i have to hard reset the wii AND my external HHD(hold wii power down till it turns red "off", then unpllug hdd power so it spins down, then plug back in. So the next time I open Wiisxr the saved setting do not automatically load and i have to put them all back in again (which is really annoying for the controller keys)

I also have an issue with when i hit the reset button to back out of the game to wiisxr menu, i get an error that my USB drive is no longer available, and the only way i can reset it is shutting down my wii, and restarting. It someone like "ejects" my hdd form the wii somehow for no reason when backing out via reset button.

I think most of these USB problems is with whatever ui code or whatever is used for wii64, wiisx, FCE Ultra GX, Snes9x GX, and VBA GX. Reason being is because i have similar usb "disconnecting" errors in ALL of those emulators, who all use similar looking UI configurations (so i assume based off same thing). Now i know it is not my drive because if i use something like USB Loader GX, i can play for HOURS with no issues, and can switch game at will. SO i know it is something with the coding between all those emulators, while USB loader is fine.

Anyway, I hope this helped.

ps: picture is the dump crash image i get for vigilante 8 second offence

dsc_0001 1

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

Indeed, a lot of these issues I'm aware of but having them here may help if someone else wants to try to fix it.

I'm mostly working on fixing up the code: e.g. cleaning up, formatting, style issues, some memory leaks, used variables, performance issues. Compatibility is a little bit harder for me to work on. I plan to redo or work on the sound after I pull my experimental-fixes back into master.

As well, I'll look into the USB issues... this one has been bothering me for a while, but it helps that you can narrow it down to a likely a library issue (i.e. something USB Loader GX doesn't use). It could be related to a memory leak that I'm trying to fix.

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

If you need any help testing builds and providing feedback, I'd be willing to do so

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

Well glad i was able to narrow it down for you mysto256.

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 I make experimental changes to the experimental-fixes branch. If you want to do a regression test every time I make a build, please feel free to do that. You can look at all the builds by going here:

If you find a regression, please make note of it by leaving a comment on commit that it was introduced.

In case you're unfamiliar with Github, go to the link above, and click on one of the commits (such as "Minor coding error fixes with rebuild" for example). At the bottom, you can leave a comment, or download the build by going to the entry that's called "Gamecube/WiiSX.dol", clicking the View button, then clicking Raw button.

@Orvis25 I'm always up for some help. I would advise your friend to just look at the code here. I personally would prefer help by means of issues, comments, patches or pull requests (if your friend knows how to use git/Github).

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Awesome, I'll be sure to test those builds out, anything I should test in particular? I also noted that Grandia doesn't seem to boot, but locks up the emulator, but I'll retest it later :) Thank you for your work ^^

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

here is another crash bump picture for vigilante 8 when loading levels.

Do these actually provide you with useful info? cuz i can keep posting them if they help. dsc_0002 1

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 Regressions are most important. I don't want to merge the changes until I know it doesn't break anything. All the changes I've made have been with a static code analyzer and walking through the code by hand. I have yet to have time to legitimately test it in the last 6 months.

@Orvis25 I'm not sure yet. I mean it's no harm for now, but I'm more interested in how to reproduce these errors, and any insight if applicable. For example, useful insight would be a change in behaviour with different settings or perhaps if it's not reproducible with the PCSX, PCSXR, or another open source PlayStation emulator, if available. If you test it on PCSX or another, make sure you don't use an opengl or sdl plugin to test it, you use 32bit not 64bit, and you specify your setup.

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

I don't know if the ISO dump I have is bad or what, it doesn't crash the emulator, i merely shows a blank screen then kicks me out to the Homebrew Menu, no other games do that, will test again.

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 If this helps i found out that ePSXe can emulate vigilante 8 successfully.

Maybe there is some code in there you can see that will fix the problem with WiiSXr ???

Hope that helped :)

Edit: It seems ePSXe is still receiving updated for better compatibility even in 2016. Would it be easier to modify ePSXe to work on a wii then trying to repair and update wiiSXr?

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 I would recommend using Wiiload and testing each build. I could have easily broke something down the line, i.e. a regression.

@Orvis25 unfortunately ePSXe is closed source :(

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 I do not suppose asking them would help?

Maybe if they see you are developing/coding for a wii and need a better emulator they will let you use the code?

Always worth a shot no?

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Wiiload? I don't know what that is. Wiiloader?

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 Google man.... Use it..... Literally first link....

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

Read up on it here:

There's Mac, windows, Linux versions On Mar 14, 2016 10:14 PM, "Orvis25" wrote:

@roflcopter777 Google man.... Literally first link....

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roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

@Orvis25 Gee, so sorry for asking -_- I don't have that app, so..yeah...anyways. The issue has been plaguing the emulator for some time though, even before the recent revision.

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

Wiiload is just an app on your computer where you can send the dol file to the homebrew channel over wifi without having to put it on an sdcard or USB stick. I use it to test lots of builds at once.

I'm working on the emulator whenever I can and once I an confirm there's no regressions in the experimental builds, I can push to changes to the main branch. The problem is that I have no time to test this stuff. On Mar 14, 2016 11:03 PM, "roflcopter777" wrote:

@Orvis25 Gee, so sorry for asking -_- I don't have that app, so..yeah...anyways. The issue has been plaguing the emulator for some time though, even before the recent revision.

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roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Ah, well, I never tried that app before, I'll give it a whirl, my ISO is probably corrupted, I'll try again, my apologies -_-

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Have you ever asked if the ePSXe team would let you developer their emulator for wii?

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@Orvis25 honestly I would rather not work on proprietary code if I had the choice. It's a bit of an ethical issue; if epsxe has no interest in releasing their source code, I have no interest in contributing to them.

I recently found out about libretro; I would like to look into it before continuing development.

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 so does that mean that realistically, we wont see better game comparability, just bug fixes with its current comparability?

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Where did you get that assumption from?

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

because wiisx has not been updated since like 2013, and wiisxr is based on it. And mystro256 said he is working on things like memory leaks and some bug fixes with usb, not actually improving game compatibility..

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Well, gee, maybe if other people were willing to help him out, that would be different.

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

Honestly I have interest in improving the emulator in general, but I'm very limited in my time to program it. I would hope that I can either improve compatibility eventually or my revival of the emulator can encourage people to help. Hence why its on github, as it makes it very accessible to amateur programmers (forking, pull requests, patches, issue tracking) On Mar 24, 2016 8:39 PM, "Orvis25" wrote:

because wiisx has not been updated since like 2013, and wiisxr is based on it. And mystro256 said he is working on things like memory leaks and some bug fixes with usb, not actually improving game compatibility..

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Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 Would be nice. i cant program worth a crap though :P Took an HTML class in HS and got like a 71%. programming and me do not work. but i always willing to bug test stuff.

@Mystro256 Oh, well cool. make sure you work on vigalante 8 games :P really would love to play that again, and it does not work on ps1 emulator, or n64 emulator for wii :(

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

What can I do to help attract other programmers?

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Question. If you fix the memory bug in wiiSX, will it carry over to things like wii64, FCE Ultra GX, Snes9x GX, and VBA GX? you said previously they all use the same loader or whatever. that why they ALL have the same issue with usb.

Just curious if you fix it here, if you will take over and update those (cuz they are abandoned atm. Last update was like 2012)

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 Honestly I'm not sure.

@Orvis25 Honestly it depends on where the issue is. It may be a simple issue that can be fixed in upstream libraries and thus just will just require a rebuild in these projects... but if it's something more complicated requiring a work around a quirk in the Wii system, mileage may vary. I will try to port a fix if possible, but I still need to figure it out first.

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

Anyone able to see if I broke anything with the following build? Most games from I can see are either the same or slightly faster with the latest changes:

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Gonna test it out today and let you know :)

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 If i get some time, i will test it out over a period of a few hours.

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 all i do is replace the old boot.dol with this file right? (i just del old of sd, drag this, rename to boot?)

is that correct?

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

Yes, you just replace the boot.dol file is all

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Just tried the following games using the same settings i did before (mainly set bios to usb, boot through bios to yes, rebind all keys for gamecube controller, and that's it)

These will be the only games i will be testing, as they are the only ones i want to play:

Vigilante 8 -> freezes at menu and i get a "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" sound. have to hard reset Vigilante 8 Second Offence -> Same as above Twisted medal -> Same as above Twisted medal 2 -> Same Twisted medal 3 -> Same Twisted medal 4 -> Same

It also still will not "exit" back to the wii menu (granted i do not try to load a game that is). Still just black screens and hangs until i hard reset. So i can never "save" any settings because every time i hard reset, and reopen wiisxr, it never "loads" the save file, so i have to manually reset my key bindings for the gamecube controller EVERY TIME.

Conclusion: This update completely broke the emulator

I restored the original boot.dol and its working again (with all same issues as previous version obviously)

ps: please, edit the "credits" button so it actually says wiisxr v. 1.xxxx or something. I do not like that it says its still wiisx beta 2.1. Would also make troubleshooting easier in future in case someone is not up to date or something :D

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago


I'll try to reproduce this and fix it before I merge in back into master.


Let me know if you find any other issues.

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Just tried Crash Bandicoot 3.bin, emulator crashed with a very high-pitched buzzing sound. Crash Bandicoot 2 also crashes, they worked on the previous build BTW, so it's not my ISO. Should I have deleted or changed something in the folder or made a new folder? Why's it crashing? Using a Wii U also, and these ISO images loaded fine beforehand -_-

Don't know what I'm doing wrong, previous build ran these fine, now I can't load any ISO images without that horribly high-pitched buzzing.

Edit: Deleted old config file, made new wiiSX folder. If this doesn't work, I don't freaking know what to do :(

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Nope, not a damn thing. Changed BIOS from HLE to SD, nothing, games still crash, buzzing sound, Breath of Fire 3 showed a black screen, buzzing, Crash Bandicoot games lock up the menu. I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I made a new folder, I made a new config, I don't know what to do to, I thought I was being helpful, but now, I've made it worse, because I'm the only one this is happening to, no one else will be able to reproduce this error, and others will say "Oh it must be your end." So, yeah, I can't get ANY game to work -_- * sigh*

Maybe it's the fact I'm using a Wii U and not a Wii, but that shouldn't effect it or be relevant, I don't know. Dammit...

Edit: Seems @Orvis25 is having the same issue, how come we can't load any games at all?

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 No, you didn't do anything wrong, I was just looking to see if I broke something, and it seems I did. This is what I mean by "regression testing"... Sometimes when you try to fix something, you end up breaking something else. Knowing which games broke will help me fix the issues, as I can try to reproduce the issues on my system as well.

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 I was looking forward to seeing the speed improvements in the games sigh I hope I can soon. This has got to be stressful for ya. Still...hopefully it's not a big regression -_-

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

We'll see, worst case I undo what I did. On Apr 6, 2016 4:26 PM, "roflcopter777" wrote:

@Mystro256 I was looking forward to seeing the speed improvements in the games sigh I hope I can soon. This has got to be stressful for ya. Still...hopefully it's not a big regression -_-

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Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Just keep at it man. We are rooting for you :D !!!

do not give up and let this project die again!

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 Lol dude, it's going to take a while if I'm the only one working on it. Rome wasn't built in a day.

@Orvis25 Thanks! Glad to hear the enthusiasm :))

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Maybe try starting with something smaller. Like fixing the fact it does not "exit" to the wii menu. And modifying the credit to now say wiisxR and add yourself in there.

Small stuff first :)

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@Orvis25 Haha of course, the programming isn't an issue, I actually do this for a living (I'm a computer engineer at a firm), it's just lack of time.

As for the exit issue... Unfortunately I'm not sure what's causing the issue as I looked into what I thought was causing it... But it isn't the case. I thought fixed it in the following build but I'm not sure:

If you use that build and outline exactly what you do to cause the issue (including your setup and steps) I could "possibly* pin point the issue. Honestly I'm a little stumped haha.

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Does it close correctly for you?

All i do is install wiisxr on sd, launch wiisxr via channel icon or via homebrew. It does not matter because when i go to "exit" it just instantly black screens, locks up, and i have to hard reset.

idk what other info i can give.

Mystro256 commented 8 years ago

@Orvis25 OH that issue, I fixed that like a month ago. If you want to test it, use this build, NOT the one I broke:

My "risker" builds are kept here (the one that broke the emulator, the other one is fine though):

But once I finish a few things I plan to start releasing zip files for easier testing... my current organization is messy and confusing.

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago


is the "fixed" one (first link) NEWER than the one i currently use then? cuz i downloaded the one from your thing when i found out about wiisxr (like last month or whatever)

Orvis25 commented 8 years ago

@roflcopter777 Dont be a jerk man. i would love to see you pick up a 4 year old dead project programmed by someone else, and program speed improvements, cleaning code, and improving stability fixes into something you never wrote, doing so in only your spare time while managing a full time job, and a family.

I for one am glad to see at least an attempt being made. Be it breaking things before fixing, at least and attempt never the less.

roflcopter777 commented 8 years ago

@Mystro256 Sorry about the other day -_-

OronFortune commented 8 years ago

While i am just a step or two above a complete noob if there is something i could do to help and i know or can be taught to do it i have time to help