Open warpme opened 1 year ago
Small update with this issue:
I filled (potential) QTbug report about this issue (
Qt devs replayed:
Guessing after a quick look at the code base that you are relying on top-level QWidgets being backed by a QWindow with RasterGLSurface by default. That type is not used from 6.4 on, rather the window for top-level widgets default to RasterSurface, OpenGLSurface, VulkanSurface, Direct3DSurface, etc. depending on the presence of QOpenGLWidget and QQuickWidget instances within the child hierarchy. Since those are probably not used in your case, the top-level widget is always backed by a RasterSurface QWindow from 6.4 on.
So this looks like not QTbug - but rather MythTV incompatibility with Qt6.4+
I'm opened to any ideas/code changes/tests needed to be done to move forward to fix this issue....
As I recall, at least one related crash is caused by calling initializeOpenGLFunctions before setting a valid OpenGL context (and MythTV does not currently set a valid context). There needs to be a ....->makeCurrent(...surface...) before calling initializeOpenGLFunctions (and perhaps other setup, too).
I presume someone fluent in Qt6 and OpenGL would be able to quickly determine what needs to be done.
Problem can be reproduced.
I did have a look at it but I do not think that I can fix this on the short term.
I believe I'm experiencing a similar issue on macOS with QT 6.4 through 6.6
Mythfrontend output and top of the crash report follow:
% /Volumes/MythFrontend-arm64-14.1.1-v34-Pre-598-g0a25e6693e/
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518681 I Setup Interrupt: 2 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518687 I Setup Terminated: 15 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518688 I Setup Segmentation fault: 11 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518690 I Setup Abort trap: 6 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518691 I Setup Floating point exception: 8 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518692 I Setup Illegal instruction: 4 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518693 I Setup Bus error: 10 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518695 I Setup Hangup: 1 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518696 I Setup User defined signal 1: 30 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518697 I Setup User defined signal 2: 31 handler
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518915 C mythfrontend version: master [v34-Pre-598-g0a25e6693e]
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518916 C Qt version: compile: 6.6.0, runtime: 6.6.0
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518926 I macOS 14.1 (arm64)
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518926 N Enabled verbose msgs: general
2023-12-14 15:24:18.518928 N Setting Log Level to LOG_INFO
2023-12-14 15:24:18.530064 I Added logging to the console
2023-12-14 15:24:18.530083 N Using runtime prefix = /Volumes/MythFrontend-arm64-14.1.1-v34-Pre-598-g0a25e6693e/
2023-12-14 15:24:18.530084 N Using configuration directory = /Users/jhoyt/.mythtv
2023-12-14 15:24:18.530200 I Assumed character encoding: en_US.UTF-8
2023-12-14 15:24:18.531205 I Loading en_us translation for module mythfrontend
2023-12-14 15:24:18.532391 I Empty LocalHostName. This is typical.
2023-12-14 15:24:18.532396 I Using a profile name of: '' (Usually the same as this host's name.)
2023-12-14 15:24:18.532471 I Start up testing connections. DB, BE , attempt 0, status dbAwake, Delay: 2000
2023-12-14 15:24:20.174798 N Setting QT default locale to en_US
2023-12-14 15:24:20.174801 I Current locale en_US
2023-12-14 15:24:20.175001 N Reading locale defaults from /Volumes/MythFrontend-arm64-14.1.1-v34-Pre-598-g0a25e6693e/
2023-12-14 15:24:20.229679 E PowerOSX: Failed to setup power source callback
2023-12-14 15:24:20.229733 I Power: Supported actions: Suspend,Restart,Shutdown
2023-12-14 15:24:20.436597 I Listening on TCP
2023-12-14 15:24:20.438389 I Listening on TCP [::]:6551
2023-12-14 15:24:20.615867 I Loading en_us translation for module mythfrontend
2023-12-14 15:24:20.624867 I Display: Screen '(Make: Unknown Model: Unknown)' not found, defaulting to primary screen (Hanns.G HH241)
2023-12-14 15:24:20.624890 I Display: Using screen 'Hanns.G HH241' (Make: Unknown Model: Unknown)
2023-12-14 15:24:20.624938 I Display: Qt screen pixel ratio: 1.00
2023-12-14 15:24:20.624946 I Display: Geometry: 1920x1080+0+0 Size(Qt): 518.809mmx288.758mm
2023-12-14 15:24:20.624998 I VRR: No variable refresh rate support detected
2023-12-14 15:24:20.625009 N Display: Desktop video mode: 1920x1080 60.000Hz
2023-12-14 15:24:20.646605 I InputHandler: Starting
2023-12-14 15:24:20.646702 E AppleRemote::_findAppleRemoteDevice(AppleIRController) failed
2023-12-14 15:24:20.646723 E AppleRemote::_findAppleRemoteDevice(AppleTVIRReceiver) failed
2023-12-14 15:24:20.646724 E AppleRemote::startListening() failed
2023-12-14 15:24:20.646989 I UDPListener: Enabling
2023-12-14 15:24:20.666413 I Binding to UDP
2023-12-14 15:24:20.666456 I Binding to UDP [::]:6948
dbus[53120]: Dynamic session lookup supported but failed: launchd did not provide a socket path, verify that org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist is loaded!
2023-12-14 15:24:20.734063 I Using Frameless Window
2023-12-14 15:24:20.734066 I Using Full Screen Window
2023-12-14 15:24:20.734081 I Display: Have main widget
2023-12-14 15:24:20.734082 I Display: Have main window
2023-12-14 15:24:20.734088 I Display: Screen '(Make: Unknown Model: Unknown)' not found, defaulting to primary screen (Hanns.G HH241)
2023-12-14 15:24:20.886596 I Qt: QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent() called with non-opengl surface 0x600001a54f10
2023-12-14 15:24:20.886598 E OpenGL: makeCurrent failed
Handling Segmentation fault: 11
/Volumes/MythFrontend-arm64-14.1.1-v34-Pre-598-g0a25e6693e/ line 15: 53120 Segmentation fault: 11 ./mythfrontend $@
Translated Report (Full Report Below)
Process: mythfrontend [53120]
Path: /Volumes/VOLUME/
Identifier: mythfrontend
Version: ???
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: Exited process [52828]
Responsible: Terminal [43146]
User ID: 501
Date/Time: 2023-12-14 15:24:21.9127 -0500
OS Version: macOS 14.1.1 (23B81)
Report Version: 12
Anonymous UUID: 0BFA2638-A4CC-8E49-1FBF-D9DD6CD2D1AF
Sleep/Wake UUID: 4F159E84-088D-4513-9B04-F5A08552CBF6
Time Awake Since Boot: 2000000 seconds
Time Since Wake: 80 seconds
System Integrity Protection: enabled
Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue:
Exception Codes: KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000008
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000008
VM Region Info: 0x8 is not in any region. Bytes before following region: 4328570872
__TEXT 10200c000-10231c000 [ 3136K] r-x/r-x SM=COW .../mythfrontend
Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue:
0 QtGui 0x1081b9780 QOpenGLContext::shareGroup() const + 0
1 QtGui 0x1081c3ba8 0x107f44000 + 2620328
2 QtGui 0x1081c36ec QOpenGLFunctions::initializeOpenGLFunctions() + 24
3 libmythui-34.34.dylib 0x10386e918 MythRenderOpenGL::Init() + 68
Thread 1:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e28 start_wqthread + 0
Thread 2:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e28 start_wqthread + 0
Thread 3:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e28 start_wqthread + 0
Thread 4::
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x181847a14 __select + 8
1 CoreFoundation 0x1819830d4 __CFSocketManager + 636
2 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
3 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 5:: LogForward
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1818400ac __psynch_cvwait + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228
2 QtCore 0x1086294cc 0x108488000 + 1709260
3 QtCore 0x1086291fc 0x108488000 + 1708540
4 QtCore 0x108629140 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108
5 QtCore 0x1086290a4 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long) + 64
6 libmythbase-34.34.dylib 0x104c2194c LogForwardThread::run() + 428
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 6:: Logger
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1818400ac __psynch_cvwait + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d5fc _pthread_cond_wait + 1228
2 QtCore 0x1086294cc 0x108488000 + 1709260
3 QtCore 0x1086291fc 0x108488000 + 1708540
4 QtCore 0x108629140 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, QDeadlineTimer) + 108
5 QtCore 0x1086290a4 QWaitCondition::wait(QMutex*, unsigned long) + 64
6 libmythbase-34.34.dylib 0x104c18a9c LoggerThread::run() + 708
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 7::
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18183c8b4 mach_msg2_trap + 8
1 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18184ed30 mach_msg2_internal + 80
2 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x1818454f0 mach_msg_overwrite + 476
3 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18183cc38 mach_msg + 24
4 CoreFoundation 0x181959ea4 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 160
5 CoreFoundation 0x18195876c __CFRunLoopRun + 1208
6 CoreFoundation 0x181957c5c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 608
7 AppKit 0x18525c404 _NSEventThread + 144
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
9 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 8:
0 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e28 start_wqthread + 0
Thread 9:: SSDP
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18183fea8 __semwait_signal + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x1817232f8 nanosleep + 220
2 libc++.1.dylib 0x1817b681c std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l>> const&) + 84
3 libmythbase-34.34.dylib 0x104c7280c PortChecker::checkPort(QString&, int, std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000l>>, bool) + 2584
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 10:: TaskQueue
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18183fea8 __semwait_signal + 8
1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x1817232f8 nanosleep + 220
2 libc++.1.dylib 0x1817b681c std::__1::this_thread::sleep_for(std::__1::chrono::duration<long long, std::__1::ratio<1l, 1000000000l>> const&) + 84
3 libmythupnp-34.34.dylib 0x102f48ab8 UPnpNotifyTask::SendNotifyMsg(MSocketDevice*, QString const&, QString const&) + 2140
4 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
5 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 11:: UDP
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18184522c poll + 8
1 QtCore 0x10861cc70 qt_safe_poll(pollfd*, unsigned int, timespec const*) + 436
2 QtCore 0x10861dbb4 QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 584
3 QtCore 0x108501f5c QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 448
4 QtCore 0x1085a9678 QThread::exec() + 156
5 libmythbase-34.34.dylib 0x104b508d4 MThread::run() + 48
6 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 12:: QDBusConnectionManager
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x18184522c poll + 8
1 QtCore 0x10861cc70 qt_safe_poll(pollfd*, unsigned int, timespec const*) + 436
2 QtCore 0x10861dbb4 QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 584
3 QtCore 0x108501f5c QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 448
4 QtCore 0x1085a9678 QThread::exec() + 156
5 QtDBus 0x106d67498 0x106d58000 + 62616
6 QtCore 0x108621a80 0x108488000 + 1677952
7 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x18187d034 _pthread_start + 136
8 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x181877e3c thread_start + 8
Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit):
x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000000 x2: 0x0000000107f44000 x3: 0x000060000246e4a8
x4: 0x0000000000000004 x5: 0x0000000000001200 x6: 0x000000010810b9f8 x7: 0x00000000000006c0
x8: 0x00000001d68d3b30 x9: 0x0000000000000002 x10: 0x0000000000000000 x11: 0x0000000000000002
x12: 0x0000000000000000 x13: 0x0000000000000000 x14: 0x0000000047801139 x15: 0x0000000000000139
x16: 0x0000000181877b4c x17: 0x00000001e0a19030 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x000000012c71cb90
x20: 0x0000000000000000 x21: 0x0000000108370510 x22: 0x0000600002b88cc0 x23: 0x000000016ddf2ac8
x24: 0x0000600003ebd060 x25: 0x0000000104e106c8 x26: 0x0000000104e15ac8 x27: 0x00000001030cd9f0
x28: 0x0000000000000000 fp: 0x000000016ddf29c0 lr: 0x00000001081c3ba8
sp: 0x000000016ddf2990 pc: 0x00000001081b9780 cpsr: 0x60001000
far: 0x0000000000000000 esr: 0x56000080 Address size fault
Binary Images:
0x11cd10000 - 0x11cd7bfff (1.0) <227d0ea7-67f7-36da-949b-01c1f245b799> /System/Library/Extensions/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AppleMetalOpenGLRenderer
0x11b0c0000 - 0x11b0cffff libqcertonlybackend.dylib (*) <0c37c55b-73cc-3165-a307-f215096f669a> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x11b448000 - 0x11b477fff libqopensslbackend.dylib (*) <124d278f-aa20-3779-a49c-598cf87df18f> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1195b8000 - 0x1195dbfff libqsecuretransportbackend.dylib (*) <05be07c5-9611-3c4c-83d2-1985b934ee0c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1193d0000 - 0x1193dbfff libobjc-trampolines.dylib (*) <c9ce7923-2f2d-31eb-a6e4-0f3b7a78f895> /usr/lib/libobjc-trampolines.dylib
0x119534000 - 0x119543fff libqsqlmysql.dylib (*) <a6fd3a14-2557-39c0-b0ac-9396f364b303> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x11b664000 - 0x11b9a3fff libmysqlclient.22.dylib (*) <14ed0ef8-c905-3ec8-b2ea-ee74e4e24783> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x11b000000 - 0x11b07ffff libssl.3.dylib (*) <90d6c193-d824-3057-8168-33e1a3e05187> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x119558000 - 0x119567fff libz.1.dylib (*) <e610549b-c525-3095-b218-f349ec39a349> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x119390000 - 0x1193b3fff libqmacstyle.dylib (*) <64c06816-03f7-3e70-be48-8f2ab1509c7d> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102518000 - 0x1025a3fff libqcocoa.dylib (*) <e1117263-b1a0-3009-998f-643712e82538> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1074ac000 - 0x1074cbfff (3.0) <af53e762-bef4-3d88-9797-ff28f3f85e76> /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/PlugIns/csparser.bundle/Contents/MacOS/csparser
0x1028ac000 - 0x102943fff libmythswscale.6.dylib (*) <913a64a0-95f0-3436-a062-7e9fcd7583d6> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102ba8000 - 0x102da3fff libmythavformat.59.dylib (*) <b5f0c823-6441-3217-9dac-d7e3f694e048> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102824000 - 0x102837fff libmythswresample.4.dylib (*) <cfdd0998-7d36-3922-9140-7339261795c1> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1029fc000 - 0x102a77fff libmythavutil.57.dylib (*) <3f09897e-e84a-36ca-b25a-aa48507cc454> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10397c000 - 0x10446bfff libmythavcodec.59.dylib (*) <7a4ae3cb-2b88-3118-b852-0ec937574223> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102844000 - 0x10284ffff libmythpostproc.56.dylib (*) <fd221b55-cdda-3d3b-a489-758c2b40c96d> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x103198000 - 0x1034a3fff libmythavfilter.8.dylib (*) <3fe99b47-6a48-3a0c-b951-03a30453689e> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x105584000 - 0x105e5ffff libmythtv-34.34.dylib (*) <5ac21da8-9994-3152-a74c-cc1b169cc6d5> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102f08000 - 0x102fdbfff libmythupnp-34.34.dylib (*) <dc8f8219-c6a5-3ac9-a345-ba98f3c18391> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x104b40000 - 0x104e07fff libmythbase-34.34.dylib (*) <4b7226a9-1f62-35f8-b838-4128f78b380f> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x103744000 - 0x1038d3fff libmythui-34.34.dylib (*) <d8e80414-95e4-3261-beb3-a6c845bc271d> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10301c000 - 0x1030c3fff libmyth-34.34.dylib (*) <671842b3-6802-30ca-8386-8d9950c4d564> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x104e98000 - 0x104fc3fff libmythmetadata-34.34.dylib (*) <f9c96677-ce00-3996-8d79-385cb1243566> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102df4000 - 0x102e3ffff libmythservicecontracts-34.34.dylib (*) <c3af2947-1234-38e8-93b0-560762b12140> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102e74000 - 0x102eaffff libmythprotoserver-34.34.dylib (*) <3a302671-2b80-3c57-b0d0-10918d5311a3> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x103104000 - 0x10315bfff libmythfreemheg-34.34.dylib (*) <7cc0ce10-8ff9-3338-ba9b-74fcb2802bad> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x103604000 - 0x103677fff libtag.1.dylib (*) <16db7c62-0673-311e-b6cc-5a6c13311104> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106014000 - 0x1061e7fff libmythexiv2-0.28.34.dylib (*) <40317daf-6c32-3d82-8220-56aa8acf44f3> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1062e4000 - 0x1065c7fff libcrypto.3.dylib (*) <32dfd93b-1394-3803-b2e8-80371c0f0b96> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10295c000 - 0x10297ffff libass.9.dylib (*) <804484f2-e37e-380d-a26e-52d45a319b38> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x105008000 - 0x1050a3fff libdav1d.7.dylib (*) <471c0141-d1a5-3b21-9957-6bced38f2316> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1066b4000 - 0x106a17fff libaom.3.dylib (*) <2ec97542-d90a-3450-9fe0-659a807033a2> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1050e8000 - 0x10510ffff libvmaf.1.dylib (*) <ac34865d-55cf-3bad-a21a-c2b1c5abe9e3> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10531c000 - 0x105447fff libjxl.0.8.dylib (*) <2ceccdcd-a84e-3249-9137-95a998c095db> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102884000 - 0x102893fff libhdhomerun.dylib (*) <f2bafc1a-7554-31a9-ba3b-514a47922311> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106a8c000 - 0x106baffff libx264.164.dylib (*) <cdbfaf38-a184-31fe-abd6-7ff7ddf2f0ef> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x103540000 - 0x103573fff libmp3lame.0.dylib (*) <3a72093f-1e3b-385a-841e-faf56748ee12> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1035b4000 - 0x1035e7fff libfontconfig.1.dylib (*) <284c2952-31dc-36a1-b387-a289e698c2d4> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x105268000 - 0x1052e3fff libfreetype.6.dylib (*) <9f468009-9a2d-3ff0-90d8-1bc0fe3b3bae> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102994000 - 0x1029a7fff libzip.5.dylib (*) <1c0c8b9a-537b-3097-935a-73cfdf859eae> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1051d8000 - 0x105217fff libbluray.2.dylib (*) <95b756a6-466e-3a84-b5fb-9964bb0f75bd> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102860000 - 0x10286bfff libSoundTouch.1.dylib (*) <11acdb51-05e1-3a17-b786-972ba468276c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106e44000 - 0x106faffff libsamplerate.0.dylib (*) <735678b6-2058-3c85-95bc-2dfa165ca332> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1054ec000 - 0x105543fff org.qt-project.QtOpenGL (6.6) <929bb79a-4d9a-339d-80f8-097f934df591> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1074e8000 - 0x1078b3fff org.qt-project.QtWidgets (6.6) <31cc4af9-a5fb-37e8-aa64-4eb31bfffd52> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107f44000 - 0x108347fff org.qt-project.QtGui (6.6) <2960d657-84ba-3582-867b-4f5097effabb> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106fc4000 - 0x1070affff org.qt-project.QtNetwork (6.6) <e2553f8d-9c2b-32d2-ad67-6e35c4c0c641> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102ec8000 - 0x102edffff org.qt-project.QtXml (6.6) <196ddb63-5b89-38be-aa34-7487bc462196> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x105460000 - 0x105487fff org.qt-project.QtSql (6.6) <02412f20-f5e6-36e6-9bf8-e55d256242c9> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106d58000 - 0x106dc3fff org.qt-project.QtDBus (6.6) <f5723eeb-00fd-3958-892e-a9a7e61f7cdc> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x108488000 - 0x10882ffff org.qt-project.QtCore (6.6) <d922b920-7632-3cb3-b377-002b45ff5907> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1071fc000 - 0x1072cffff libX11.6.dylib (*) <e34d1012-2916-30a6-80cb-a797f99a8cb5> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1036c8000 - 0x1036dbfff libxcb.1.dylib (*) <1c86d4cd-7c39-38da-a5ee-559bfadb2f5c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1029b8000 - 0x1029bbfff libXau.6.dylib (*) <bf6689dc-5292-350c-94b7-d1d71956c572> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x102814000 - 0x102817fff libXdmcp.6.dylib (*) <a066fce2-d9df-3441-9eb3-6675f314422e> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107a0c000 - 0x107b7bfff libgnutls.30.dylib (*) <77695e72-05d6-3e13-99c3-43a30860ae5b> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107bc8000 - 0x107d17fff libvpx.8.dylib (*) <bb4c9fb4-ba14-309b-bab3-2a0b7a108a5c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1036f8000 - 0x103717fff liblzma.5.dylib (*) <d5449959-8b9e-3de7-ae04-f9f30d6ba829> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x108b68000 - 0x108d6ffff libx265.199.dylib (*) <e6d3a150-9129-3ba6-be46-eaeebc624121> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1029e4000 - 0x1029ebfff libhwy.1.dylib (*) <efcc8295-edb2-3b0b-9b67-ab4160aea3b7> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x103724000 - 0x10372ffff libbrotlidec.1.dylib (*) <cc77e640-3de5-3d9c-9565-c60ed8119746> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x105228000 - 0x105247fff libbrotlicommon.1.dylib (*) <cbb61532-d27c-331e-996e-843ed45f10e9> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1072f0000 - 0x10737bfff libbrotlienc.1.dylib (*) <159e74da-1746-3bd8-92e3-42426d7faf27> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106dec000 - 0x106e27fff liblcms2.2.dylib (*) <c7dd544b-7b20-3b48-9cf2-e460b25517bd> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106cc4000 - 0x106ce7fff libpng16.16.dylib (*) <7396dd62-d1eb-3564-b3f5-2f50f51f84f5> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1054a8000 - 0x1054bffff libintl.8.dylib (*) <00fe864a-7259-3f14-8dc2-ad6e85504fef> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107d30000 - 0x107e27fff libp11-kit.0.dylib (*) <47b51415-5fe7-30b7-8cfb-a94db701c48b> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107108000 - 0x107137fff libidn2.0.dylib (*) <5d182aed-a9c3-3395-9e49-90f0e148654a> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x108dd8000 - 0x108f6ffff libunistring.5.dylib (*) <33a7ff2f-1650-39b8-b13a-6c8ec574a6dc> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1052f8000 - 0x105303fff libtasn1.6.dylib (*) <8b813670-a25c-3d8a-9272-957bdbe5bc39> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107148000 - 0x10717ffff libnettle.8.dylib (*) <26f48c98-968d-3597-b84d-6a97e57af30c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107198000 - 0x1071cffff libhogweed.6.dylib (*) <71bc8b79-f1d5-383b-b7f3-8ba0ad1a95f3> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1073fc000 - 0x107453fff libgmp.10.dylib (*) <f6a7b957-4314-3ea5-ac52-39a649bd3a58> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106cf8000 - 0x106d13fff libfribidi.0.dylib (*) <44e9e265-1a6e-33c9-8180-0bae3f7e6f5c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x108908000 - 0x1089c3fff libharfbuzz.0.dylib (*) <5c2fa5f7-2c3c-3157-8edf-73b749ac5233> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x106d24000 - 0x106d43fff libunibreak.5.dylib (*) <a7b6512f-3138-322c-a9d6-3e358654517f> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x108f8c000 - 0x10907bfff libglib-2.0.0.dylib (*) <c3c3f473-6698-3b0d-8607-0f468b6c4b63> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10738c000 - 0x10739ffff libgraphite2.3.dylib (*) <dadd250f-e2ba-36f3-b960-ea391395d1e7> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1089e0000 - 0x108a53fff libpcre2-8.0.dylib (*) <a02c2f70-1f04-38dc-ab6d-41d8b391cb88> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1073ac000 - 0x1073c3fff liblzo2.2.dylib (*) <d7f6d4ef-d1f3-38db-9cff-92fd4b3ad173> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1073d0000 - 0x1073dffff libhdhomerun_arm64.dylib (*) <f2bafc1a-7554-31a9-ba3b-514a47922311> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x108a64000 - 0x108aebfff libzstd.1.dylib (*) <2bdff40f-1b63-3633-a720-9b2c512f6256> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10394c000 - 0x103957fff libmd4c.0.dylib (*) <364e1807-c71c-378c-b4a7-1bc7eda8a11e> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1029cc000 - 0x1029cffff libgthread-2.0.0.dylib (*) <8259d5ae-290d-3e70-ab80-8cc5c0ea504f> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107e54000 - 0x107e83fff libdbus-1.3.dylib (*) <39e8ef3d-0a4a-3f7f-a729-c37ebc8e538c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10930c000 - 0x109497fff libicui18n.73.dylib (*) <4cf242d7-3baf-3426-9e42-d6ec6f105989> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10956c000 - 0x10969bfff libicuuc.73.dylib (*) <fa375bc4-1f53-30a6-a543-2936b3ffe895> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10b5d0000 - 0x10d45ffff libicudata.73.dylib (*) <d67db6a8-bbba-3786-9027-da6298d24d60> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1054d0000 - 0x1054dbfff libdouble-conversion.3.dylib (*) <1bc9d57e-cefd-3a29-9378-50c756f892b3> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x1071e0000 - 0x1071e7fff libb2.1.dylib (*) <82f85bf6-93d0-3be3-9cc8-23cbf361e60f> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x107ea0000 - 0x107f0bfff libpcre2-16.0.dylib (*) <27f77b43-8908-3e08-928d-c981ca5e9a1c> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x10200c000 - 0x10231bfff mythfrontend (*) <40002f1e-0e24-36b0-b506-4839bfb1e57a> /Volumes/VOLUME/
0x0 - 0xffffffffffffffff ??? (*) <00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000> ???
0x181876000 - 0x181882ff3 libsystem_pthread.dylib (*) <daf95373-5de6-39a1-a6ce-d87f3f0629cc> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
0x18183b000 - 0x181875fef libsystem_kernel.dylib (*) <b7751381-1442-30b5-91b9-ad7be461bebe> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
0x1818dc000 - 0x181db3fff (6.9) <9f046e36-7286-3a6e-a280-699d6e47cfaf> /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreFoundation.framework/Versions/A/CoreFoundation
0x1850f9000 - 0x18640dfff (6.9) <b475e541-691d-39c6-8ca4-e414b0d3dd88> /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/AppKit
0x181716000 - 0x181794ffb libsystem_c.dylib (*) <decb8685-f34a-3979-afcb-71fb55747e41> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
0x181795000 - 0x181822ff7 libc++.1.dylib (*) <3702eede-997d-38e6-a6a1-c08eb22c375b> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
Yes, the failure on MacOS is identical to that on Linux. I am having another look at it.
I did not get very far on this but is what I did. Attached is a test patch that can be applied to the current master. 20240115-qt6-wip.patch.gz
The result is something that does not crash anymore but now it gives an endless loop of these messages:
CoreContext mythcommandlineparser.cpp:2923:operator() Qt: QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
The basic idea was, as suggested in this thread by the quote from the Qt dev, to change the top level window from a raster surface to an OpenGL surface by inheriting from a QOpenGLWidget instead of a QWidget.
Some comments on the code changes in the patch:
To get it compiled with qt6 do add the following option to the ./configure command: --qmake=/lib64/qt6/bin/qmake The configure script now complains about the locale being C, and these complains can be removed as follows:
# Prevent locale nonsense from breaking basic text processing.
export LC_ALL
To be able to use the QOpenGLWidget, add the following to the
using_opengl: QT += opengl
+using_opengl: contains(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 6): {
+ QT += openglwidgets
And then in mythpainterwindow.cpp/.h the QOpenGLWidget is used instead of the QWidget.
There are also a lot of messages added so that the flow through the code can be followed. The amazing thing is that mythavtest does seem to work however with this patch.
Suggestions on how to continue with this are welcome!
@kmdewaal - my apologies for just getting around to this. I was waiting on some upstream qt6 fixes to see if anything changed.
Like you state, on macOS I'm no longer crashing with myhfrontend. My endless loop statement is similar, but points to Qt: QPainter:
2024-03-01 09:55:32.514091 I Qt: QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 1
2024-03-01 09:55:32.528974 I KdW trace RenderIsShared
2024-03-01 09:55:32.529041 I KdW trace paintEngine
2024-03-01 09:55:32.529046 I KdW trace paintEngine
2024-03-01 09:55:32.531193 I KdW trace paintEngine
While watching mythfrontend load, I did see a picture of my theme for a very brief moment then the screen went black and stayed there with the looping output.
I get this bug on Qt6 6.7.0 (openSUSE Tumbleweed). If I try to debug mythfrontend with gdb, the whole X11 screen freezes.
Without gdb, mythfrontend crashes after some seconds:
2024-04-27 23:56:00.884475 I Display: Have main window
2024-04-27 23:56:00.884499 I Display: Found screen number 0 (DVI-D-0)
2024-04-27 23:56:00.901949 I Qt: QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent() called with non-opengl surface 0x565235e75cc0
2024-04-27 23:56:00.901957 E OpenGL: makeCurrent failed
Handling Segmentation fault
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
So I have hit this for awhile and tried to just install 6.3 and compile mythtv there as I run it in a container anyway, but mythtv's min versions is: QT6_MIN_VERSION_STR="6.4"
so that doesn't seem like a valid option. Clearly this doesn't hit everyone but im not sure what the reach of this is.
I was hoping a bump to qt 6.7 would magically resolve this, unfortunately I'm still getting the same error on macOS 14.6
2024-08-24 20:04:20.081994 I UIBounds: New UI bounds: 1080x720+0+0 2024-08-24 20:04:20.137242 I Qt: QOpenGLContext::makeCurrent() called with non-opengl surface 0x6000001af1f0 2024-08-24 20:04:20.137244 E OpenGL: makeCurrent failed Handling Segmentation fault: 11
OK. So compiling with latest master:
I can confirm a few things (at least on linux):
which is an internal only value but would be closest to the exact old. This worked too.Can anyone confirm this is still not working for them as a solution?
Platform: MiniMyth2; qt6 build from sources
MythTV version: current master (tested on v34-Pre-d54bb609dac)
Package version:
Component: Qt6
What steps will reproduce the bug?
Build myth-master on system with Qt6 newer than 6.3 and run mythtv with drawing to x11 or wayland. Drawing to eglfs qpa works ok. As issue:
How often does it reproduce? Is there a required condition?
What is the expected behaviour?
correct operation on Qt6.4 and Qt6.5
What do you see instead?
Qt 6.5.0 with drawing to X11 gives me segfault like this:
The same binaries (qt6, mythtv) are working ok with drawing to eglfs. (
Additional information
I tested following Qt versions: (each time only qt was rebuild)