Mytherin / Tibialyzer

Tibialyzer is an extension made for the MMORPG Tibia. It automatically scans the server log and messages from the Tibia client by reading its memory, and gathers various statistics, such as loot found from creatures, damage dealt by party members and experience gained every hour.
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what i need to do after downloading tibia 11? tibialyzer dosent work #189

Open Emsanga opened 8 years ago

Emsanga commented 8 years ago


Mytherin commented 8 years ago

Download the beta and click on the "Tibia 11" icon.

Emsanga commented 8 years ago

i did but my HUD they are using unknown numbers, all wrong if i put Download new adress my Hud change with different numbers, if i put Generate Adress another numbers appear, but both are wrong.. what i do Bro?

Mytherin commented 8 years ago

HUDs do not work properly yet for Tibia 11, only chat scanning is supported currently.

Emsanga commented 8 years ago

ok ill be ready when they work! thakns a lot Mytherin i really appreciate your work and knowledge about this usefull program

1086339 commented 8 years ago

@Mytherin I'm not sure if it is alright to make requests like this but I would very much like to see some sort of notification for cooldowns added in the future if possible, similar to what the flash client has on it's icons.

As a knight it's very important to keep track and maximize the usage of your exori's which is a lot easier if you can see exactly when the cooldown runs out. Some sort of hud or customizable popup would be incredible!

I would even be willing to pay an subscription fee for more "advanced features" like this if you need some extra incentive, tibialyzer is literally what makes tibia worth playing for me again so I can't thank you enough for keeping this up!

mooop12 commented 8 years ago

I did such a thing for Tibia 10, but seeing as its life is ending right now I never released it. I also was not able to replicate it for Tibia 11, but if @Mytherin is willing to take a look I will send what I have. It's functional in Tibia 10.98.

Mytherin commented 8 years ago

@1086339 I'm never going to charge for Tibialyzer simply because I don't want to offer actual support or dedicate anything but voluntary time to the project. As for your suggestion; it won't be possible without actually detecting whether or not a spell was cast which is hard to determine. It is possible to create a "rough" version by looking only at the server log messages; however, just because you type "exori" in chat does not mean you actually cast the spell. As such, I don't think I will add it because it will require more reverse engineering of the Tibia 11 client which I don't want to do.

mooop12 commented 8 years ago

@Mytherin Actually it is easy to determine. Tibia stores cooldown start and end time and cooldown ids. Proof of concept: From what I checked Tibia 11 stores it exactly the same, though I wasn't able to find the correct pointers for the values.

Mytherin commented 8 years ago

I realize that Tibia itself stores it; the problem is that I don't want to figure out where it is stored and how I can find it. Tibia 11, as far as I know, doesn't use static addresses so reliably finding where a particular piece of information is stored is tricky as it is stored in a different place every time. For now I've resorted to developing an understanding of how the information is stored, and then using patterns to try and deduce where the information is. However, that requires quite some effort.

If you want to do so, please, be my guest and implement the cooldown HUD in Tibialyzer and send me a pull request. I like the idea, it's just that implementing will take some time and it's time I don't really have.