Mytherin / Tibialyzer

Tibialyzer is an extension made for the MMORPG Tibia. It automatically scans the server log and messages from the Tibia client by reading its memory, and gathers various statistics, such as loot found from creatures, damage dealt by party members and experience gained every hour.
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Autohotkey Rune Shooter #259

Open scoxdomain opened 7 years ago

scoxdomain commented 7 years ago


Can you please teach me how to throw AoE Runes (Thunderstorm, Avalanches, etc) using Middle Mouse button? I don´t know how to input in Autohotkeys screen.


ghost commented 7 years ago


Would press hotkey 3 on middle mouse click.

Mackbit commented 7 years ago

If you want to instantly shoot an AoE rune at the mouse location with crosshairs, by using the middle mouse button, you can use the following:

~MButton:: Send {F1} Sleep, 50 MouseClick, left return

where {F1} is the hotkey for your rune, which can be changed to something else (you can put any hotkey inside the {} brackets. If you want to use a combination, for instance shift + something, or ctrl + something, you can put a ^ sign before the brackets for ctrl, and a + sign for shift as in the case below:

Send +{F1} (This will send shift + F1) Send ^{F1} (This will send ctrl + F1)

There are a lot of more nice possibilities to explore with AHK that you can continue with if you are interested. I've made my own script where you can (1) scroll though a list of runes (with rune images as HUD) which sets a new rune to middle mouse, (2) timer for utamo vita/magic wall/wild growth so you know when they run out, (3) shoot wave/beam in the mouse direction (aim wave/beam with mouse), and etc. The wave/beam thing is quite fun, it is possible to run full speed, shoot a wave backwards and continuing running full speed forwards. The possibilities are unlimited ^^

Mytherin commented 7 years ago

I'm pretty sure that usage of AutoHotkey is against the Tibia TOS. One button should map to one action. Having a delay and a separate action is similar to botting.

Mackbit commented 7 years ago

@Mytherin: Yes, I am also pretty sure it is against the Tibia TOS. It should only be used at your own risk.

scoxdomain commented 7 years ago

Thank you guys, you've helped me a lot.