Mytherin / Tibialyzer

Tibialyzer is an extension made for the MMORPG Tibia. It automatically scans the server log and messages from the Tibia client by reading its memory, and gathers various statistics, such as loot found from creatures, damage dealt by party members and experience gained every hour.
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New Update Tibia 10 Client #305

Open azmodian opened 7 years ago

azmodian commented 7 years ago

Since I can't play on Tibia 11 due to double steps and delay when using potions I need to use 10. But somehow Tibialyzer only works with Client 11 for now after I Updated.

downloadkct commented 7 years ago


obsilva commented 7 years ago

Have you changed the selection of the Tibia Client? And you tried to select the Tibia process?

azmodian commented 7 years ago

Yes I did change it.

Mytherin commented 7 years ago

Should be fixed now, the memory addresses are updated.

WadeDro commented 7 years ago

Hey Mark (if that's okay to call you that, that is) thanks so much for the quick reply and fixing your program you do really great work and I showed an ex tibia player your program and he was some impressed with what you did, he is a simple programmer I suppose you could say but anyways thanks so much for your help if you could link me a paypal or donation link I would love to help out wit the cause


I just was honestly only popping on here to email tibia as

I just received a from them "Statements that imply a rule violation are a violation of Tibia Rule 2g" and now have a code of conduct record.. i have had a clean record my whole career, so now i need to email them and find out if this is justifiable, because to my acknowledgment this program is user friendly anyways let me know what you think

"item@dwarven leg" (Feb 08 2017, 09:09:34 CET, in Say) ps don't for get about that donation link

From: Mark Sent: February 9, 2017 3:39 AM To: Mytherin/Tibialyzer Cc: Subscribed Subject: Re: [Mytherin/Tibialyzer] New Update Tibia 10 Client (#305)

Should be fixed now, the memory addresses are updated.

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