MythicAgents / Athena

172 stars 36 forks source link

Issue with Raspberry Pi ARM64 architecture? #72

Closed SaadSaid158 closed 3 days ago

SaadSaid158 commented 2 months ago

root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/Mythic# ./mythic-cli install github

2024/06/14 09:26:41 [] Creating temporary directory 2024/06/14 09:26:41 [] Cloning Cloning into '/home/pi/Mythic/tmp'... 2024/06/14 09:26:43 [] Parsing config.json [] Processing Payload Type athena

2024/06/14 09:26:44 [] Stopping current container 2024/06/14 09:26:44 [] Removing current version 2024/06/14 09:26:45 [+] Successfully removed the current version 2024/06/14 09:26:45 [] Copying new version of payload into place 2024/06/14 09:26:45 [] Adding service into docker-compose 2024/06/14 09:26:45 [] Removing old volume, athena_volume, if it exists No stopped containers Creating volume "athena_volume" with default driver WARNING: Found orphan containers (hercules-exercise2, hercules-exercise4, hercules-exercise3, hercules-exercise1, hercules-exercise5) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up. Pulling athena ( v2.1.4: Pulling from mythicagents/athena ERROR: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries 2024/06/14 09:26:49 [+] Successfully installed service 2024/06/14 09:26:49 [+] Successfully installed c2 2024/06/14 09:26:49 [] Processing Documentation for Athena

2024/06/14 09:26:50 [] Removing current version 2024/06/14 09:26:50 [+] Successfully removed the current version 2024/06/14 09:26:50 [] Copying new documentation into place 2024/06/14 09:26:50 [+] Successfully installed Payload documentation 2024/06/14 09:26:50 [+] Successfully installed c2 documentation 2024/06/14 09:26:50 [+] Successfully installed Wrapper documentation [] Restarting mythic_documentation container to pull in changes Stopping mythic_documentation ... done WARNING: Found orphan containers (hercules-exercise3, hercules-exercise2, hercules-exercise1, hercules-exercise4, hercules-exercise5) for this project. If you removed or renamed this service in your compose file, you can run this command with the --remove-orphans flag to clean it up. Starting mythic_documentation ... done 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [] Waiting for RabbitMQ to come online (Retry Count = 10) 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [*] Attempting to connect to RabbitMQ at, attempt 1/10 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [+] Successfully connected to RabbitMQ at amqp://mythic_user:***@

2024/06/14 09:26:54 [] Waiting for Mythic Server and Nginx to come online (Retry Count = 10) 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [] Attempting to connect to Mythic UI at, attempt 1/10 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [+] Successfully connected to Mythic at

MYTHIC SERVICE WEB ADDRESS BOUND LOCALLY Nginx (Mythic Web UI) false Mythic Backend Server true Hasura GraphQL Console true Jupyter Console true Internal Documentation true

ADDITIONAL SERVICES ADDRESS BOUND LOCALLY Postgres Database postgresql://mythic_user:password@ true React Server true RabbitMQ amqp://mythic_user:password@ true

Mythic Main Services CONTAINER NAME STATE STATUS MOUNT PORTS mythic_documentation running Up Less than a second (health: starting) local 8090/tcp -> mythic_graphql running Up 11 hours (healthy) N/A 8080/tcp -> mythic_jupyter running Up 11 hours (healthy) local 8888/tcp -> mythic_nginx running Up 11 hours (healthy) local 7443/tcp -> :::7443, 7443 mythic_postgres running Up 11 hours (healthy) local 5432/tcp -> mythic_rabbitmq running Up 11 hours (healthy) local 5672/tcp -> mythic_react running Up 11 hours (healthy) local 3000/tcp -> mythic_server running Up 11 hours (healthy) local 7000/tcp -> :::7000, 7001/tcp -> :::7001, 7002/tcp -> :::7002, 7003/tcp -> :::7003, 7004/tcp -> :::7004, 7005/tcp -> :::7005, 7006/tcp -> :::7006, 7007/tcp -> :::7007, 7008/tcp -> :::7008, 7009/tcp -> :::7009, 7010/tcp -> :::7010, 17443/tcp ->, 17444/tcp ->, 7000, 7001, 7002, 7003, 7004, 7005, 7006, 7007, 7008, 7009, 7010

Installed Services CONTAINER NAME STATE STATUS MOUNT apfell running Up 10 hours apfell_volume atlas restarting Restarting (1) Less than a second ago local discord running Up 11 hours local dns running Up 11 hours local hercules-Exercise1 restarting Restarting (0) 11 seconds ago local hercules-Exercise2 created Created local hercules-Exercise3 created Created local hercules-Exercise4 created Created local hercules-Exercise5 created Created local hercules_c2 created Created local hercules_translator created Created local hermes restarting Restarting (1) 28 seconds ago local http running Up 11 hours http_volume httpx running Up 11 hours httpx_volume jamfserver running Up 20 minutes local leviathan running Up About an hour local medusa running Up About an hour local poseidon running Up 10 hours poseidon_volume scarecrow_wrapper running Up About an hour local sliverapi running Up 11 hours sliverapi_volume sliverimplant running Up 11 hours sliverimplant_volume tcp running Up 11 hours local thanatos restarting Restarting (1) 32 seconds ago thanatos_volume typhon running Up 20 minutes local

2024/06/14 09:26:54 [] RabbitMQ is currently listening on localhost. If you have a remote Service, they will be unable to connect (i.e. one running on another server) 2024/06/14 09:26:54 Use 'sudo ./mythic-cli config set rabbitmq_bind_localhost_only false' and restart mythic ('sudo ./mythic-cli restart') to change this 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [] MythicServer is currently listening on localhost. If you have a remote Service, they will be unable to connect (i.e. one running on another server) 2024/06/14 09:26:54 Use 'sudo ./mythic-cli config set mythic_server_bind_localhost_only false' and restart mythic ('sudo ./mythic-cli restart') to change this 2024/06/14 09:26:54 [*] If you are using a remote PayloadType or C2Profile, they will need certain environment variables to properly connect to Mythic. 2024/06/14 09:26:54 Use 'sudo ./mythic-cli config service' for configs for these services. [+] Successfully installed service! root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/Mythic#


checkymander commented 1 month ago

@its-a-feature this might be better suited for you?

its-a-feature commented 1 month ago

v2.1.4: Pulling from mythicagents/athena ERROR: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries @checkymander when you pre-build your docker images, are you cross compiling them? That might be the issue here. If Athena should work on this architecture, then you could always try:

sudo ./mythic-cli config set athena_use_build_context true
sudo ./mythic-cli config set athena_use_volume false
sudo ./mythic-cli build athena

That'll cause Athena's image to be built locally, on your current architecture, instead of pulling down a specific, pre-compiled verison of the container image from GitHub

SaadSaid158 commented 1 month ago

v2.1.4: Pulling from mythicagents/athena ERROR: no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries @checkymander when you pre-build your docker images, are you cross compiling them? That might be the issue here. If Athena should work on this architecture, then you could always try:

sudo ./mythic-cli config set athena_use_build_context true
sudo ./mythic-cli config set athena_use_volume false
sudo ./mythic-cli build athena

That'll cause Athena's image to be built locally, on your current architecture, instead of pulling down a specific, pre-compiled verison of the container image from GitHub

I attempted this, but I got this

pi@raspberrypi:/Mythic $ sudo ./mythic-cli config set athena_use_build_context true sudo ./mythic-cli config set athena_use_volume false sudo ./mythic-cli build athena 2024/07/13 22:34:31 [+] Configuration successfully updated. Bring containers down and up for changes to take effect. 2024/07/13 22:34:31 [+] Configuration successfully updated. Bring containers down and up for changes to take effect. No stopped containers Building athena Sending build context to Docker daemon 4.485MB Step 1/1 : FROM v2.1.4: Pulling from mythicagents/athena no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries ERROR: Service 'athena' failed to build : Build failed pi@raspberrypi:/Mythic $

It doesn't give any details on why the build failed.

checkymander commented 3 days ago

We pushed a build for Arm64, so that you should be able to build it now!