MzeroMiko / VMamba

VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba
MIT License
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Configurations not Reflecting in Model Construction and Initialization in mmseg #201

Open ZhangIceNight opened 1 month ago

ZhangIceNight commented 1 month ago


I'm glad you shared your work!

When I was reproducing the segmentation, I found that no matter how I modified the contents in the config file, the model actually built did not adopt the operations in the config file, but remained default.

For example, in the config you provided, forward_type="v05_noz", but I found through outputting this variable that forward_type="v2".

Furthermore, I gradually output and found that the __init__ method of the class Backbone_VSSM in the file seems not to be called.

I'm not very familiar with mmseg, and I hope to get your reply and help.

Thank you so much

MzeroMiko commented 1 month ago

The class Backbone_VSSM is called in segmentation/ by calling class MM_VSSM, which is registered into mmdet.registry and mmseg.registry.