MzeroMiko / VMamba

VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba
MIT License
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params and GFLOPs consumption for CrossScan and CrossMerge #225

Open LQchen1 opened 3 weeks ago

LQchen1 commented 3 weeks ago
  1. I am now trying to change the cross-scan mode of the author's pytorch version, instead of scanning the previous 4 kinds of scans only once, and then executing the code, I find that the model parameter number in the log only changed from 30.24M to 29.08M, and the GFLPs changed from 4.906 to 4.522, is this normal? Or do I need to rewrite the script to calculate the number of parameters and Flops?
MzeroMiko commented 2 weeks ago

It is abnormal. You can test the params and flops for the models that have been provided in the code first, to see if you calculate it correctly.