MzeroMiko / VMamba

VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba
MIT License
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When i add a new layer to VSSM, the training process has the "Parameter indices" error? #229

Open zhangye-zoe opened 2 weeks ago

zhangye-zoe commented 2 weeks ago

I want to add a new network layer to class VSSM(nn.Module), like following:

截屏2024-06-11 下午9 58 47

But when training the network, which has the following error:

截屏2024-06-11 下午10 00 34

Could you give me some advice to solve the problem, thank you!

MzeroMiko commented 2 weeks ago

Please ensure that all the parameters are involved when calculating loss, otherwise, some parameters may not recieve gradients.