MzeroMiko / VMamba

VMamba: Visual State Space Models,code is based on mamba
MIT License
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权重加载是不是有问题 #233

Open WangYuSenn opened 2 weeks ago

WangYuSenn commented 2 weeks ago

我用classification的Vamba中的vmamba_base_s1l20作为我的显著目标检测的backbone,在load目标检测与分类权重的时候会提示KeyError: 'layers.0.blocks.0.op.in_proj.weight',并且我在backbone的时候发现,后面分片是有问题的,以vmamba_base_s1l20为例layer传入了四层,四层的通道数大小分别是256, 512, 1024, 1024,是否128作为layer的第一层,就是第1480行的x = self.patch_embed(x)这个代码,不知道我理解的是否有问题

MzeroMiko commented 2 weeks ago

I tested again and did not find the issue.

Can you share me the detailed log?

WangYuSenn commented 2 weeks ago

Now that the weights I loaded up, is there a problem with the layering of the backbone, with base as the force, after the layer operation, the output has two bs x 1024 x 8 x 8 tensor

MzeroMiko commented 2 weeks ago

So can you show me the detailed log? maybe I can help you by comparing the log output with the log file in the release.

WangYuSenn commented 1 week ago

你好,我用的vmamba_base_s2l15作为backbone,我通过将vmamba.py的1520行经过layer的特征输出之后如下,请问这个地方分层是不是不对 image

WangYuSenn commented 1 week ago


MzeroMiko commented 1 week ago

see #242

yangyaowei0 commented 1 week ago
