N0-0NE-Dev / NoFasel

A streaming app with no ADs.
The Unlicense
324 stars 23 forks source link

Ask for two permissions explanation #24

Closed serrq closed 1 year ago

serrq commented 1 year ago

In f-droid I found two permissions potentially dangerous for security reasons.

• This app can appear on top of other apps • Play install referrer API

What are them? What do they do exactly?

Can be remove them?

N0-0NE-Dev commented 1 year ago

The app can appear on top of other apps as it supports picture-in-picture mode, so you can continue watching while doing something else on your device.

The referrer API is exposed by Google play to all apps automatically.

N0-0NE-Dev commented 1 year ago

I will not be removing them, but you are welcome to clone the repo remove whatever you want and build the app from source, build instructions can be found here.