N00000DLE / BehrendTrees

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Behrend Trees Website Feedback! #8

Open N00000DLE opened 2 years ago

N00000DLE commented 2 years ago

Please give us some feedback on our project here! :)

am0eba-byte commented 2 years ago

Yoooooo y'all did a PHENOMENAL job with this site. Aesthetically, it's absolutely beautiful - but the data you guys were able to collect and display is truly mind boggling. So many trees. The map is super nifty, your data visualizations are GORGEOUS and super informative, and the functionality of your master tree sheet is seriously awesome. This project has so much potential to save the trees and keep growing a greener Behrend. (: The only thing I'd suggest tinkering with before you submit for Finals is getting your Visualizations page to flex and fit within smaller display monitors. I know y'all usually use the big K77 monitors to tinker with your code, so it's easy to miss stuff in the CSS that isn't behaving right on smaller screens. Just slap a display:flex; on your div wrapper elements containing your graphics, and set it to justify-content:center; and BOOM, flex majik

arrowarchive commented 2 years ago

As a whole, this website is really impressive! I've been to places like Longwood Gardens, where they document all their flowers, trees, and plants with specific nametags, but I haven't seen a website dedicated to identifying flora set up like this.

I love how the website looks and feels. It does a good job getting the point across on what it is about and sticks with it, including a map view of the entire campus and where the trees are, not to mention their common names, what purpose they serve to animals, and their type.

A lot of effort went into this, but I noticed a few small things as I went through it. For smaller screens on the visualization of the trees, the header doesn't scroll across the page. I know this is a minor detail, but I don't know if there is a way to fix it so it can scroll with the browser. It took me a minute to realize the purpose of the leaves in the table, as I was unaware that they were meant to be dividers for each tree. My last idea is for the Arboretum, as all the organizations that founded it are listed it but it would be nice to learn more about them. Maybe the names of each organization could link to a page about them (if they have one) so readers can see their contributions.

With that said, you all did a great job!

bwm5473 commented 2 years ago

I just say, your team really put quite the effort into the information you included on trees. I did not even think the website would also have its own page for Arboretum Articles.

A couple of things I would recommend for this website is to provide for those articles if you're able to provide them, and to make the CSS a little more designer-friendly. For example, if you're willing, I would put the instruction in the Meet the Trees page into a drop-down display, and make the title "How to Use" into a link for those instructions; that way the page has more room. I would also suggest changing the border on your Google Campus Map and Network Analysis display box so it's consistent with other ones. Besides that, great job.

Kennaab commented 2 years ago

I absolutely love your project. I think my favorite thing is how all of the CSS matches and there is a theme to the colors. It makes it very appealing to the eye.

The visuals are also really nice. I like that you added a description under some of the visuals to help explain what they mean. I think the only thing I would suggest is the visuals page is sort of hard to see since everything is really large, and being on a smaller screen makes it a little hard to see all of the visuals you made and get the full effect.

But overall, this project is beautifully done!

austinmurry commented 2 years ago

I love how this project turned out! You guys have really shown that you put a lot of effort into getting this project done and with a lot of hard work! I love the PHP you guys have and how universal and easy it is for all users to use. I also just like the overall look and feel of the site. The colors all match and go well together and the formatting is very clean and looks very professional. My only things to say kind of agrees with everyone else and that just make the website a little more friendly to look at in a smaller view or from a mobile view. But besides that I think this page is awesome!

BarbieCessar commented 2 years ago

Well done on this project! You guys did such a great job. They layout of the website is awesome! I like how you incorporated the color green in the layout. Many different shades were used and they look great all together. The only thing I would recommend are some visuals of each type of tree.