Run FT8 on Android
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Insufficient audio #105

Open waarsenburg opened 2 months ago

waarsenburg commented 2 months ago

I use FT8CN on a Samsung A54. Adjusting the audio with the volume controls on the phone is not possible, only within the app. But even at 100%, the audio is only a fraction of the maximum volume and not enough to trigger the VOX. All other sources (music, youtube) will trigger the VOX but not FT8CN. Checked the audio mixer in the A54: all controls are at maximum. Checked with another FT8 program by Kholia and that works; enough audio which can be controlled by the phone's volume settings. But Kholia's program doesn't accept bluetooth mic... Pse check if volume can be set to maximum in the phone; control within the program is OK.

TF1979 commented 1 month ago

I am having the same issue with my Motorola phone. I get enough drive to trigger vox, but not enough to consistently get any power out.