Run FT8 on Android
MIT License
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A little improvement suggestion #45

Closed LYZhelloworld closed 1 year ago

LYZhelloworld commented 1 year ago

Hi! First of all, thank you for making such a great app. I have used it for several months and there are some small issues that may be able to be fixed in future:

  1. When the sender and the receiver have the same grid, or the receiver's grid is unknown, the comment shows Distance: , QSO by FT8CN. Maybe it is possible to hide the Distance field and only show QSO by FT8CN here in this case.
  2. When downloading the QSO records, if the phone is not connected to a Wi-Fi, it shows http://null:7050 as the URL. Is it better to replace it with some prompt like "Please connect to a valid Wi-Fi" or something else?
  3. When uploading ADIF file to the app, some log software will ignore the rst_rcvd & rst_sent field if it is 0 (0dB). In that case, FT8CN will show -120dB for this missing field. This only happens when importing a log. Is it better to change the default value to 0?

Hope these suggestions will help improve the software.

bg7yoz commented 1 year ago

谢谢您的建议,计划在下一个版本中改进。 73

N0BOY commented 1 year ago

The release of v0.89 covers all your feedback. Thanks for your suggestion.