Run FT8 on Android
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Many POTENTIAL ISSUES identified, when scanning APK with Qark #59

Open chrisdebian opened 11 months ago

chrisdebian commented 11 months ago

Hi, all.

FT8CN looks like a really interesting application, for amateur radio, so I thought i'd have a quick look at it, with Qark. I was surprised to see quite a few warning/ issues with the code, many of which seemed to be security issues. I was unable to upload the html report file, produced by Qark, so have copied it, here. Please note that the URLs in the report are obviously pointing to a local directory, so will not resolve. For more detail, run the report yourself.

Would it be possible for the developers to run Qark on the application, and to comment on the issues? Qark Report.odt

Many thanks,


bg7yoz commented 11 months ago



我没有用过Qark,我会抽出时间学习一下。我看了您提交的Report.odt,其中最多的是“WARNING Logging found”,这个是FT8CN的调试信息,是FT8CN有意输出的。“INFO Potential API Key found”,是osmdroid地图文件,我试试看能不能修改一下。 关于安全方面的问题,您能否给出具体的修改意见?



chrisdebian commented 11 months ago

Hi, bg7yoz.

Thanks for replying.

Unfortunately, I don't have the skills to address these possible issues. Maybe one of the other project followers can help?

I was just trying to help, by generating the report.

Many thanks,

Chris 2E0FRU