Run FT8 on Android
MIT License
334 stars 34 forks source link

No source code or license #9

Closed rogerclarkmelbourne closed 1 year ago

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 1 year ago

I can't see any source code in this repo.

Is this an Open Source project, ?

PD5DJ commented 1 year ago

No open source project.

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 1 year ago

OK. It seems risky installing an unknown APK with no source code.

How can I scan this for viruses etc

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 1 year ago

FYI. I scanned the latest release using VirusTotal, and it did not report any viruses. However this only scans for know virus engines, it would not detect things like capturing the shared clipboard and sending that data to the cloud etc

I've not installed it, as I don't have an android VM available at the moment, so I don't know what permissions it requests


rogerclarkmelbourne commented 1 year ago

Yes. Being of unknown origin is not ideal.

I will put it onto a small tablet which I do use for email or anything which requires login etc.

I would not put unknown apps onto any devices you also use for banking etc (I don't use banking apps myself)


I did notice there was another paid app in the Playstore for $9.99 for WSPR

I also wonder whether both the paid / closed source app and this app use GPL libraries.

It seems unlikely that they have written the WSPR DSP code from scratch themselves

Perhaps the WSPR DSP libraries they use are MIT or Apache license. But as neither are open source its impossible to know which libraries they have used

PedroPauloBrazil commented 1 year ago

Yes, I do not use "hot" devices to test new apps too (I have a segregated account too for this purpose). BTW, this app is very good and I am using it to make my portable operations, with very good results. Congratulations to the author!

And yes, there are some paid wspr and ft8 apps on the store, but I don't have experimented them. 73!

N0BOY commented 1 year ago

The developer does have the plan to release source code once the app becomes more mature.

This app is still experimental, please report any bug or security concern you may find, to help with the development.

Btw, let me know if anyone is interested in helping with localizing the documentation.

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 1 year ago


OK. Thanks.

I can't help localisation as I only speak / read / write English

N0BOY commented 1 year ago

Source code released under MIT License

rogerclarkmelbourne commented 1 year ago



SpudGunMan commented 1 year ago



Indeed, I didn't get such kindness when I asked, thanks this was interesting and fun project!. 73

ghost commented 1 year ago

To Whom it may concern. I did a security scan of the apk file with VirusTotal and it flagged it with possible malware. https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/659ce8fab91991be3abdcc3349e0fd9044f59d0a450363d025eab0a382190812
