N8-CIR-Bede / documentation

Documentation for the N8CIR Bede Tier 2 HPC faciltiy
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Comparing Bede's GPU performance against consumer GPUs #97

Open ptheywood opened 2 years ago

ptheywood commented 2 years ago

Users of Bede may find that their recent, consumer grade GPUs may out-perform the V100s (and T4s) in Bede for certain tasks, which they may not expect.

In certain cases, this is a realistic outcome.

The documentation should be expanded to address this, explain potential reasons and how profilers can be used to determine the outcome.

Some of the main / likely reasons for this are:

The advice that should be provided to understand this, is to use the nvidia profiling tools Nsight systems (nsys) and Nsight Compute (ncu). Basic usage of these is already described in a guide, and there are links to additional resources on using these.

However, it may be beneficial to expand / complement this with a worked example showing when a consumer GPU could be faster than a V100, and how the profilers can be used to illustrate this (e.g. simple problem that is big enough to use ~ 10SMs, but not 80).