Management Platform combination of a django backend with FIDO2 Loginservice
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NADOO Search: Searchbar #30

Open NADOOITChristophBa opened 1 year ago

NADOOITChristophBa commented 1 year ago

A seachbar where the user can type in what he is looking for.

For example Invoices. IF he does the programm that lists invoces is shown or if he is currently in his workplace area all Invoice tasks are shown while everything else is hidden.

NADOOITChristophBa commented 1 year ago

This seachbar is always present. It is a full text search. It highlights all occurences on the current page.

It shows that processes that either contain the search word or lets the user pic from a dropdown containing a process that has comes closest to it.

NADOOITChristophBa commented 1 year ago

Add some kind of search tags to the processess so that they can be better discovered in search