$ sonalyze profile -cluster fox -user ec-emmaste -from 5d -j 969024 -fmt awk,cpu,cmd,pid -v
NOTE, we will kill the request if no response after %!s(int=3600) seconds
Executing </usr/bin/curl --silent --fail-with-body --location --netrc-file /home/larstha/.ssh/sonalyzed-auth.netrc --get https://naic-monitor.uio.no/profile?cluster=fox&from=5d&user=ec-emmaste&job=969024&fmt=awk%2Ccpu%2Ccmd%2Cpid>
Output from failed (exit status 22) subprocess: Failed to perform operation
Not a known field: cmdexit status 22
But without the -v all we get is 'exit status 22'. This is bad: the error, "Not a known field: cmd" is completely crucial.
But without the -v all we get is 'exit status 22'. This is bad: the error, "Not a known field: cmd" is completely crucial.