NAL-i5K / NAL_RNA_seq_annotation_pipeline

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Add bigwig creation step #23

Closed mpoelchau closed 4 years ago

mpoelchau commented 4 years ago

It would be great if the pipeline also created a bigwig file as an output.

Also, it looks like bam_to_bigwig might need to be updated to python3, and the rsem dependency might give us problems. Let me know how it goes.

mpoelchau commented 4 years ago

We need to re-write bam_to_bigwig.

  1. Figure out samtools command to remove secondary alignments etc. (what -s -q -d -u did for us formerly) (@suryasaha will help)
  2. Decide whether to use bedtools or rsem to convert to intermediate format. Bedtools is more portable. But we already had rsem figured out. Let's stick with rsem for now - modify command to not use 'ignore_secondary' etc.
  3. Run wig2bigwig as usual
  4. Remove intermediate files

@Kelly - up to you if you want to do this in python3 vs. in cwl.

suryasaha commented 4 years ago

@kelly - samtools view -F 15 should apply the following filters on the bam file but please double check

The other way to filter BAM would be with [bamtools] and the filter command ( image

mpoelchau commented 4 years ago

After our discussion today - the pipeline should generate 2 bigwig files:

mpoelchau commented 4 years ago

Actually, 1 bigwig file will be generated, because we're now normalizing the reads, and not the bam file.