NAL-i5K / NAL_RNA_seq_annotation_pipeline

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Set up pipeline on Ceres #28

Closed mpoelchau closed 4 years ago

mpoelchau commented 4 years ago
HsiuKangHuang commented 4 years ago

I used following steps to set up env on Ceres: 1. Setup conda env (1) Used conda to create an new env. (2) Package Entrez-direct and Pysam are not included in the module list of Ceres. Use conda to install them into env. (Python3 and Perl5 may be insatlled into env at the same time)

2. Git clone RNA_annotation_pipeline and bam_to_bigwig into working directory (1) Git clone branch update-rnannot from this repo. (2) Git clone branch python3_version from bam_to_bigwig repo ( and copy into rnannot folder. (3) Use wget to download wigToBigWig ( and add it into PATH.

3. Load module needed to run this pipline (1) Do module load java sratoolkit samtools rsem (2) Remember to do module unload perl. We need to use the Perl that installed in our env.

4. Activate conda env (1) Do module load minicanda and conda activate [env_name]

5. Run (1) Do python3 install (If meet "ValueError: bad marshal data", delete .pyc file may solve this problem.) find /home/[user_name] -name '*.pyc' -delete

mpoelchau commented 4 years ago

After discussion, @HsiuKangHuang will also set up a virtualenv on Ceres for our general use.