Closed r06942072 closed 5 years ago
Technical problem of cwl solved
in outputs section of gunzip.cwl
list all the possibilities of 4 datas and do not have ambiguous
Genomic fasta (in_fasta) needs to be here at the end of the whole workflow: data/other_species/[gggsss]/[assembly-name]/scaffold/
Genomics gff (in_gff) needs to be here at the end of the whole workflow: data/other_species/[gggsss]/[assembly-name]/scaffold/analyses/[annotation-release-number]/
It doesn't matter (at least to me) whether the files are in those directories at the end of flow_setup or flow_apollo2 - but it would be great if they can be moved there at the end of the entire workflow of workflows.
【change of code】
In flow_setup, collecting unzip data from out_gunzip
modify output section of gunzip.cwl, capturing all files only in one variable called out_gunzip.
Now, not able to get rid of .gz file even if expression is applied.
Treat genomic fasta(in_fasta) and genomic gff(in_gff) as external inputs. add in_fasta and in_gff in job.yml and are used in input section of flow apollo2
append block mv_to_data in the end of flow_setup
Solution: append block mv_to_data in the end of flow_setup.
flow_setup is broken down into three parts: setup_tree download_genomic download_others
tree.cwl wget.cwl extract_md5checksums.cwl check_md5sum.cwl