NAL-i5K / tripal_chado_datasets

Provides an admin layer and forms for users to submit organisms and analysis into Chado
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tripal_chado_datasets_information_import has a page defined in menu, but is not a page #41

Closed bradfordcondon closed 5 years ago

bradfordcondon commented 5 years ago

tripal_chado_datasets_information_import is mapped as:

$items['datasets/dataimport'] = [
    'title' => 'Import dataset information',
    'page callback' => 'tripal_chado_datasets_information_import',
    'page arguments' => [1],
    'access arguments' => ['administer datasets'],
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'file' => 'includes/',

the function tripal_chado_datasets_information_import is never called explicitly, nor are any links generated for to dataimport.

What does this function do?

It selects everything in ds_gene_prediction, and inserts into ds_submissions. It then does the same for ds_mapped_dataset and ds_organism_assembly. It then returns a null string for some reason.

My best guess is this is unfinished or undeveloped functionality. (likely to handle creation of approved analyses automatically?)

bradfordcondon commented 5 years ago

Link to the code for clarity:

As its unused, and does nothing but ferry data from one table to another, I'm going to delete it. It does make me wonder if theds_submissions table is also unused?

edit: no, i see a clear use of that table.